Rejection example sentences

In such cases, people conform because deviation from group may lead to rejection or at the least, non-acceptance of some form of punishment.It is for the patient, persistent, persevering drudge with a heart so shrunken that nothing can break it; rejection slips don t mean a thing to him; he at once sets about making a fresh copy of the long prose piece and sends it on to another editor enclosing postage for the return of the manuscript.Kabir's teachings were based on a complete, indeed vehement, rejection of the major religious traditions.A functioning kidney is used in transplantation from a donor, preferably a close relative, to minimise its chances of rejection by the immune system of the host.People who procrastinate are deliberately avoiding confronting their fears of failure or rejection.These factors include maternal deprivation (separation from the mother, or lack of warmth and stimulation during early years of life), faulty parent-child relationships (rejection, overprotection, overpermissiveness, faulty discipline, etc.

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