Revise example sentences

Holding consultations with IMF and IBRD and its affiliated agencies so as to bring better understanding and cooperation in global economic policy making; and Supervising on a regular basis the operations of the revised Agreements and Ministerial declarations relating to goods, services and Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).n 1908, when the scale was revised, they gave the concept of Mental Age (MA), which is a measure of a person s intellectual development relative to people of her/his age group.The revised AS-3 has made it mandatory for all listed companies to prepare and present a cash flow statement along with other financial statements on annual basis.On occasion authors revised their chronicles at different times.An efficient control system keeps a careful check on the changes taking place in the organisation and in the environment and helps to review and revise the standards in light of such changes.A new revised volume of Issac Asimov s short stories has just been released.In case the deviation cannot be corrected through managerial action, the standards may have to be revised.Accounting Standard-3 (AS-3), issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in june 1981, which dealt with a statement showing 'Changes in Financial Position', (Fund Flow Statement), has been revised and now deals with the preparation and presentation of Cash flow statement.Over the years, the policy related to PDS has been revised to make it more efficient and revised periodically taking into consideration the rise in prices.The minimum wages are revised upwards every few years.Its revised version is available as MMPI- It consists of 567 statements.

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