Sag example sentences

But on reading it Duttada lost all his lethargy and rushed to his favourite rasagolla shop.If someone cannot repeat or write down a summary of what was said, then s/he probably did not get the whole message or did not understand it.Face-to-face transmission of the message is usually more effective than indirect transmission, as for instance, through letters and pamphlets, or even through mass media.Therefore, awareness and sensitivity to the nature of the message is an important prerequisite for a counsellor's effectiveness.His compositions, compiled in the Sursagara, Surasaravali and Sahitya Lahari, express his devotion.The pre-occupied mind of receiver and the resultant non-listening of message acts as a major psychological barrier.On November 18 a special messenger on a scooter from the British Council brought in an urgent telex message for him.So, the brain also has to send messages to muscles.arious estimates as to how long these resources will last us exist and one is that at present rates of usage, our known petroleum resources will last us for about forty years and the coal resources will last for another two hundred years.A message is said to be effectively communicated when it is interpreted by the receiver of the message in the same sense in which the sender has sent.Divided attention makes it difficult for you to receive signals or messages.The motives activated by the message also determine attitude change.Creating a proper message, tackling environmental noise, and providing feedback are ways of reducing distortions and making effective communication.Public communication is characterised by a speaker sending a message to an audience.As an accounting term, depreciation is that part of the cost of a fixed asset which has expired on account of its usage and/or lapse of time.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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