Sap example sentences

They found their customary rights gradually disappearing.Generally insect pests attack the plants in three ways: they cut the root, stem and leaf, they suck the cell sap from various parts of the plant, and they bore into stem and fruits.Soon after they disappear into the sand as they do not have enough water to reach the sea.Two days later, Mijbil escaped from my bedroom as I entered it, and I turned to see his tail disappearing round the bend of the corridor that led to the bathroom.In the evening, when the Christmas tree was lighted, they woke him up again, and he stood for a while in the drawing room, blinking as though the candlelight hurt him, but after that he disappeared again.In fact, a proper system of accounting is desirable to avoid or minimise the chances of misappropriations or embezzlement of the funds contributed by the members and other donors.The practice of ijaradari, thoroughly disapproved of by the Mughals, spread all over India in the eighteenth century.Plants which use saprotrophic mode of nutrition are called saprotrophs.In fact, a proper system of accounting is desirable to avoid or minimise the chances of misappropriations or embezzlement of the funds contributed by the members and other donors.Already I envisage the slow walk home, and Geoff's disappointed face when I tell him, “He didn't come, that Danny.We couldn't talk very much; the sun made him silent, the letters on his screen disappearing in the glare.His wealth, which was the body and spirit of his existence, had disappeared before his death.Only a few plants adopt other modes of nutrition like parasitic and saprotrophic.We can see that Hardy mourns the loss of the more personalised world that is disappearing, even as he is aware of its problems and the advantages of the new order.After some time, the bride gets 'stolen'! She disappears, and when the groom starts looking for her, he is asked to pay a fee.

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