Settled example sentences

The colonial government wanted to rule over a settled population.Prashant's group believed orphans should be resettled in their own community itself, possibly in new foster families made up of childless widows and children without adult care.As one story goes, a part of Alexander s army moved south along the coast and settled here when return became impractical.Some became settled peasants cultivating land, others took to more extensive trading.The second daughter Mangla's marriage had also been settled, and when that was done, Ramlal would think of the third, Champa.receiving a fixed rate of dividend, out of the net profits of the company, before any dividend is declared for equity shareholders; and receiving their capital after the claims of the company's creditors have been settled, at the time of liquidation.Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti, the celebrated Sufi saint (see also Chapter 8) who settled there in the twelfth century, attracted devotees from all creeds.By the late sixteenth century, many of them had become settled agriculturists and some even zamindars.He was brought up in a family of Muslim julahas or weavers settled in or near the city of Benares ( aranasi).Some of the displaced people settled around the reservoir and apart from their meagre farms found a livelihood in fishing.When all accounts are settled and the final payment is made to the partners for the amounts due to them, the books of the firm are closed.At the time that common fields were being enclosed in England at the end of the eighteenth century, settled agriculture had not developed on any extensive scale in the USA.The term 'principle' has been defined by AICPA as 'A general law or rule adopted or professed as a guide to action, a settled ground or basis of conduct or practice'.They are referred to as 'residual owners' since they receive what is left after all other claims on the company's income and assets have been settled.They settled on the Appalachian plateau by the first decade of the eighteenth century, and then moved into the Mississippi valley between 1820 and 1850.

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