Sheet example sentences

The is shown along with dividends in the appropriation part of the profit and loss account on the debit side, and so also in balance sheet under current liabilities and provisions.However, tax rules for the calculation of depreciation amount need not necessarily be similar to current business practices, If depreciation on assets is not provided for, then the assets will be over valued and the balance sheet will not depict the correct financial position of the business.Besides, it is a legal requirement as the Receipts and Payments Account has also to be submitted to the Registrar of Societies along with the Income and Expenditure Account, and the Balance Sheet.This shall reduce the number of items responsible for the difference and have the correct figureure of balance at bank in the balance sheet.A ledger may be in the form of bound register, or cards, or separate sheets may be maintained in a loose leaf binder.You are familiar with polythene bags and polythene sheets.These sheets can be so thin that a thousand can be layered into a mica sheet of a few centimeters high.Balance sheet does not disclose information relating to loss of markets, and cessation of agreements, which have vital bearing on the enterprise.These include Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account, and a Balance Sheet.Therefore, in the balance sheet, when we add different assets bought at different points of time, say building purchased in 1995 for Rs.This is to ascertain the amounts of: (a) subscriptions due but not yet received: (b) incomes received in advance; (c) sale of fixed assets made during the year; (d) items to be capitalised (i.e. taken directly to the Balance Sheet) e.g. legacies, interest on specific fund investment and so on.Nearly 70 per cent of this occurs as ice sheets and glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland and mountain regions.The unwritten-off amount is shown on the assets side of the balance sheet under the head 'Miscellaneous Expenditure'.Exclude the capital receipts and capital payments as these are to be shown in the Balance Sheet.The valuing of assets at cost less depreciation principle for balance sheet purposes is followed.

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