Stain example sentences

When the colonial government prevented people from entering the reserved forests, how could the iron smelters find wood for charcoal? Where could they get iron ore? Defying forest laws, they often entered the forests secretly and collected wood, but they could not sustain their occupation on this basis for long.Despite nature's monsoon bounty, failure to sustain water availability underground has resulted largely from the loss of vegetation cover, diversion for high water demanding crops, and pollution from industrial effluents and urban wastes.Sustainable economic development means 'development should take place without damaging the environment, and development in the present should not compromise with the needs of the future generations.Hence, we need newer ways of looking at development using indicators of quality of life and environmental sustainability.Therefore, resource planning is essential for sustainable existence of all forms of life.Children who are inattentive find it difficult to sustain mental effort during work or play.If you think that the market rate of interest should eventually settle down to 8 per cent per annum, then you may consider the current rate of 5 per cent too low to be sustainable over time.Fertile soil can quickly be turned barren if sustainable practices are not followed.The money is not enough to sustain his family of six— that includes his wife and four children aged betweem 12 years to six months.We are able to afford this simplification and thus usefully abstain from studying what happens to the many real commodities that actually are bought and sold in the market because we generally see that what happens to the prices, interests, wages and profits etc.During boom years, when employment is high, tax receipts collected to finance such expenditure increase exerting a stabilising pressure on high consumption spending; conversely, during a slump, these welfare payments help sustain consumption.Of course, the availability of water is not the only factor that decides the sustainability of life in a region.Further, it was believed that the existing gold stock would be insufficient to sustain the growing demand for international liquidity.The Medium-term Fiscal Policy Statement sets a three-year rolling target for specific fiscal indicators and examines whether revenue expenditure can be financed through revenue receipts on a sustainable basis and how productively capital receipts including market borrowings are being utilised.There is an urgent need to educate people to adopt environment-friendly practices and reorient their activities in such a way that our development is harmonious with other life forms and is sustainable.

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