Suffer example sentences

Do you know anyone in your family or friends who has been advised by the doctor to take less sugar in their diet because they are suffering from diabetes? As a treatment, they might be taking injections of insulin.However, rail transport suffers from certain problems as well.One may be suffering from a physically disabling disease but may be quite healthy otherwise.So, often the survivors of Rihand told us that they accepted their sufferings as sacrifice for the sake of their nation.Though original GATT rules were applicable to trade in agriculture, these suffered from certain loopholes such as exemption to member countries to use some nontariff measures such as customs tariffs, import quotas and subsidies to protect interests of the farmers in the home country.This suffering from high level of stress can rapidly cause individuals to lose their ability to make sound decisions.This is because the already existing capital stock suffers wear and tear and needs maintenance and replacement.The result was that all night I lay, coiled up like a jalebi, suffering a stomach ache.Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless people with little or no land to depend upon, traditional artisans, providers of traditional services, petty selfemployed workers and destitutes including beggars.People were suffering and roaming around desperately looking for food and shade.India and Pakistan suffered some of the worst communal riots at the time of the Partition.If any segment of our population does not have this access, that segment suffers from lack of food security.The self-report measures suffer from a number of problems.In case iodine is deficient in our diet, there is a possibility that we might suffer from goitre.However, the mechanism of incomplete records suffers from a number of limitations.

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