Suppress example sentences

Once the fear of one's language being suppressed has gone, the different linguistic groups have been content to live as part of the larger nation called India.This involves denying or minimising the seriousness of the situation; it also involves conscious suppression of stressful thoughts and their replacement by self-protective thoughts.An increase in body fluid volume can switch off the osmoreceptors and suppress the ADH release to complete the feedback.In 1833 he met Mazzini, joined the Young Italy movement and participated in a republican uprising in Piedmont in 183 The uprising was suppressed and Garibaldi had to flee to South America, where he lived in exile till 184 In 1854, he supported ictor Emmanuel in his efforts to unify the Italian states.Addressing his more privileged colleagues, Khandekar said: We were suppressed for thousands of years.They created a new state by suppressing the older political system of the bhuiyans (landlords).James would never have tolerated aspersions on the accuracy of his work, or the implied order that it must be suppressed.You engaged us in your service to serve your own ends and suppressed us to such an extent that neither our minds nor our bodies and nor even our hearts work, nor are we able to march forward.After becoming the president of Iraq in 1979, Saddam ran a dictatorial government and suppressed any dissent or opposition to his rule.It had started in 1850 and could be suppressed only by the mid-1860s.Those report structure components, which are not required in a specific report being designed, are suppressed.To achieve this suppression, open the iew Menu to hide or display the Report Header/Footer, Report Page Header/Footer.Catholic revolts against British dominance were suppressed.The growth of a British identity meant that Scotland's distinctive culture and political institutions were systematically suppressed.Glucocorticoids stimulate gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, proteolysis, erythropoiesis, cardio-vascular system, blood pressure, and glomerular filtration rate and inhibit inflammatory reactions by suppressing the immune response.

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