Terms example sentences

Bond is similar to debenture in terms of contents and texture.Depending upon the terms and conditions of issue and redemption of debentures, the following six situations are commonly found in practice.While these features are common to most of them, these democracies are very much different from each other in terms of their social situations, their economic achievements and their cultures.In our analysis, we use the terms fixed and pegged exchange rates interchangeably to denote an exchange rate regime where the exchange rate is set by government decisions and maintained by government actions.The prospective buyer of a product sends an enquiry to different exporters requesting them to send information regarding price, quality and terms and conditions for export of goods.A firm may also offer different credit terms to different customers.The cultural approach attempts to comprehend personality in terms of the demands of adaptation made on individuals by the economic maintenance systems and the resulting cultural features of a group of people.It contains terms and conditions on which the goods are to be taken to the port of destination.Redemption of debentures refers to extinguishing or discharging the liability on account of debentures in accordance with the terms of issue.It is prepared by the exporter and includes details of the export cargo in terms of the shipper's name, number of packages, shipping bill number, port of destination and the number of the vehicle carrying the cargo.The next section will provide examples of the varying terms of credit in different credit arrangements.Cattell described the source traits in terms of opposing tendencies.Generally people pick up such terms from popular writings and media.Whichever group is more powerful will dictate its terms and others will have to accept that.The typological approach attempts to describe personality in terms of a few types, which are characterised by a cluster of traits.

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