Though example sentences

All at once he recalled his thoughts about the world and the rattrap.My worst experience was when I was writing important thoughts in a notebook ('buy socks', 'clutch drinks carefully', etc.For example, observational learning theory considers thought processes extremely important in learning, but these find almost no place in classical or instrumental conditioning theories.Though data pertaining to these terms are provided, these would need further explanation.What if the coins were not there? But then, I thought, what if they were? Finally after saying bismillah, when I lifted up the rock, this big hairy worm got up, and curling and twisting wriggled towards me.The interphase, though called the resting phase, is the time during which the cell is preparing for division by undergoing both cell growth and DNA replication in an orderly manner.However, the income method, though useful, has several weaknesses.The Princess was a little anxious at this, and asked her sisters what they thought about it.In such cramped spaces, an individual is likely to feel crowded, even though objectively, the number of persons is not very large.Although, this cry is based on reflex, this later on leads to development of awareness that 'I am hungry'.This kind of rational conformity can be thought of as learning about the world from the actions of others.Major depressive disorder is defined as a period of depressed mood and/or loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, together with other symptoms which may include change in body weight, constant sleep problems, tiredness, inability to think clearly, agitation, greatly slowed behaviour, and thoughts of death and suicide.Though financial analysis is quite helpful in determining financial strengths and weaknesses of a firm, it is based on the information available in financial statements.Mob behaviour is characterised by homogeneity of thought and behaviour as well as impulsivity.He also tells him that though he does not have any specific details with him, he is aware there exist various foreign trade promotion measures and organisations that can be helpful to him in overcoming his problem and making his products more competitive in the world markets! Exporting goods to foreign countries is quite different from marketing products domestically.

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