Tight example sentences

For example, the strong hydrogen bonds between water molecules hold them tightly in liquid phase.At last Maddie sat up in bed and pressed her forehead tight in her hands and really thought.She felt sad because she knew she would never see the little tight-lipped Polish girl again and couldn't ever really make things right between them.The word stress has its origin in the Latin words 'strictus', meaning tight or narrow and 'stringere', the verb meaning to tighten.Consequently, the outermost electrons are held more and more tightly and the ionization enthalpy increases across a period.Peggy had begun to forget the whole business, and Maddie put herself to sleep at night making speeches about Wanda, defending her from great crowds of girls who were trying to tease her with, “How many dresses have you got?” And before Wanda could press her lips together in a tight line, the way she did before answering, Maddie would cry out, “Stop!” Then everybody would feel ashamed the way she used to feel.Nishad glared at me with his arms tightly crossed across his chest.The coin of those days, the wretched thing, made so much more noise too! Finally, in a panic, I grabbed all four of them and held them tight in my fist and then they were silent.However, down the group, due to poor shielding effect of intervening d and f orbitals, the increased effective nuclear charge holds ns electrons tightly (responsible for inter pair effect) and thereby, restricting their participation in bonding.Consequently, the outermost electrons are held more and more tightly and the ionization enthalpy increases across a period.These root words reflect the internal feelings of tightness and constriction of the muscles and breathing reported by many people under stress.Quickly word spread and his extended family gathered around him, and hugged him tight in relief.Keeping food in air tight containers helps to slow down oxidation.As colonial control over Indian trade tightened, the space within which Indian merchants could function became increasingly limited.Mr Purcell was a small, fussy man; red cheeks and a tight, melon stomach.

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