Trade example sentences

In India, it is obligatory for every importer (and also for exporter) to get registered with the Directorate General Foreign Trade (DGFT) or Regional Import Export Licensing Authority, and obtain an Import Export Code (IEC) number.Trade which takes place within a country is called internal trade.Brought into close contact with the British because of their interest in trade and the first Indian community to westernise, the Parsis founded the first Indian cricket club, the Oriental Cricket Club in Bombay in 184 Parsi clubs were funded and sponsored by Parsi businessmen like the Tatas and the Wadias.The Indian government, after Independence, had put barriers to foreign trade and foreign investment., Trade Development Authority and Trade Fair Authority of India.Transport, storage, communication, banking, trade are some examples of tertiary activities.Second, he obtains loan in cash from the large trader as advance payment for 1000 pairs of shoes with a promise to deliver the whole order by the end of the month.Trade between two countries is called international trade.Levels of income below Ytb lead to lower imports, and thus to a trade surplus.But it has of late considerably speeded up its process of integrating with the world economy and increasing its foreign trade and investments (see Box A: India Embarks on the Path to Globalisation).Burhanpur which had earlier participated in the trade between Agra and Surat now expanded its hinterland to include Poona and Nagpur in the south and Lucknow and Allahabad in the east.Since traders had to pass through many kingdoms and forests, they usually travelled in caravans and formed guilds to protect their interests.The blacks or native traders and craftspersons were confined here while the white rulers occupied the superior residencies of Fort St George in Madras or Fort St William in Calcutta.For a long time, trade and transport were restricted to a limited space.In Western and parts of Central Europe the growth of industrial production and trade meant the growth of towns and the emergence of commercial classes whose existence was based on production for the market.

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