Trading example sentences

Balance of trading account is transferred to the Income and Expenditure Account.A major development was the devaluation of the rupee by 3 5 per cent in June, 196 With the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system, and also the declining share of UK in India's trade, the rupee was delinked from the pound sterling in September 197 During the period between 1975 to 1992, the exchange rate of the rupee was officially determined by the Reserve Bank within a nominal band of plus or minus 5 per cent of the weighted basket of currencies of India's major trading partners.The Jats were prosperous agriculturists, and towns like Panipat and Ballabhgarh became important trading centres in the areas dominated by addition to trading Profit (or loss), all other incomes and expenses not recorded in the Trading Account.An enterprise may hold securities and loans for dealing or trading purposes in which case they are similar to inventory acquired specifically for resale.Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS): The WTO's agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) was negotiated in 1986-199 It was the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations where for the first time the rules relating to intellectual property rights were discussed and introduced as part of the multilateral trading system.It is important to note that, although the participants themselves may have their own trading centres, the market itself is world-wide.With an objective to promote established exporters and assist them in marketing their products in international markets, the government grants the status of Export House, Trading House, Star Trading House to select export firms.Businessmen are engaged in trading activities as middlemen to make the goods available to consumers in different markets.A trading concern for example, may require small amount of fixed capital as compared to a manufacturing concern.Low ratio provides security to creditors and high ratio helps management in trading on equity., (a) trading account which shows the gross profit earned, (b) profit and loss account which shows net profit earned or net loss incurred, and (c) profit and loss appropriation account which shows all appropriations from the current year and balance of profit or loss of last year and surplus or deficit at the end of the period.In the novel we see the characters attempting to bridge two different worlds through their actions: they take to new agricultural technology, modernise trading practices, change the use of Indian languages, making them capable of transmitting both Western sciences and Indian wisdom.There is close and continuous contact between the trading centres and the participants deal in more than one market., Factors hold large amounts of information about the trading histories of the firms.

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