Translate example sentences

Controlling, on the other hand, checks whether decisions have been translated into desired action.Management translates this work in terms of goals to be achieved and assigns the means to achieve it.Prejudice may also get translated into discrimination, the behavioural component, whereby people behave in a less positive way towards a particular target group compared to another group which they favour.He encouraged the use of the language of ordinary people rather than Latin, and translated the Bible into German.Chandu Menon, a subjudge from Malabar, tried to translate an English novel called Henrietta Temple written by Benjamin Disraeli into Malayalam.People have had to constantly work on or make efforts to translate these into principles that guide the actions of their fellow citizens or even their leaders.Both concerns are featured in his Ghare Baire (1916) translated in 1919 as The Home and the World.As part of this, we will look at how rights are translated into laws to protect groups from continued exploitation and we will also look at the government's efforts to formulate policies to promote the access of these groups to development.Rammohun Roy translated an old Buddhist text that was critical of caste.Important works of Sanskrit were translated into the local language.Sometimes the communications originally drafted in one language (e.g., English) need to be translated to the language understandable to workers (e.g., Hindi).In business terms, these values translate into freedom of choice in the market, business's responsibility towards the society and non-discriminatory employment practices.Some of these books were translated into English, often by British administrators or Christian missionaries.He completed the writing in 1861 in Awadhi and Norgate translated it into English and had it published under the title From Sepoy to Subedar.Quite a few early novels came out of attempts to translate English novels into Indian languages.

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