Ultima example sentences

It helps in making the goods produced available to ultimate consumers or users.The services provided by wholesalers to retailers include availability of goods marketing support grant of credit specialised knowledge risk sharing A retailer is a business enterprise that is engaged in the sale of goods and services directly to the ultimate consumers.As Mahatma Gandhi's follower Mira Behn wrote in 1949, by “science and machinery he [mankind] may get huge returns for a time, but ultimately will come desolation.Find out where and how they ultimately join the Ganga.He/she normally buys goods in large quantities from wholesalers and sells them in small quantities to the ultimate consumers.But as long as the goods are sold to ultimate consumers, these will be treated as cases of retail selling.These lymph vessels ultimately release the absorbed substances into the blood stream.The Indians resisted, won many victories in wars, but were ultimately forced to sign treaties, give up their land and move westward.Thus, sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.During the British period cotton belts of India attracted the British and ultimately cotton was exported to Britain as a raw material for their textile industries.The ultimate aim of agricultural development is to increase food security.The quality of the poulation ultimately decides the growth rate of the country.We may note here that some commodities like television sets, automobiles or home computers, although they are for ultimate consumption, have one characteristic in common with capital goods – they are also durable.This prevents haemoglobin in the red blood corpuscles from carrying oxygen round the body and ultimately resulting in death.The amount of money paid with various instalment represents the contribution to share capital and should ultimately be credited to share capital.

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