Universal example sentences

This data type is meant to store a Universal Resource Locator (URL) and e-mail addresses.Money is the most liquid of all assets in the sense that it is universally acceptable and hence can be exchanged for other commodities very easily.One aspect common to all the applied areas within psychology is a universal agreement on the basic assumptions about human nature and the role of a psychologist in different settings.There is no standard list of the levels universally acceptable, and, in India, the industry averages are also not available.Events of February 1848 in France had brought about the abdication of the monarch and a republic based on universal male suffrage had been proclaimed.There was no universal adult franchise at that time.This division is not as universal as gender, but religious diversity is fairly widespread in the world today.Russia's future would be decided by a constituent assembly, elected on the basis of universal adult suffrage.However, they may not be easily convertible to other commodities and do not have universal acceptability.There is no universal yardstick which specifies the level of ideal ratios.One feature of the Constitution was its adoption of universal adult franchise.Universal adult franchise and the principle of one-person-one-vote compelled political leaders to gear up to the task of mobilising and securing political support.During 1914-45, there was no maintained universal system but this period saw both a brief return to the gold standard and a period of flexible exchange rates.In Chapter One we read about the principle of universal adult franchise.In Chapter One we read about the principle of universal adult franchise.

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