Vote example sentences

From the early twentieth century, they formed political pressure groups to push through laws for female suffrage (the right to vote) and better health care and education for women.Usually the choice for the voters in elections is between the incumbent party or candidate and those who oppose them.In practice it means that everyone should have one vote and each vote should have equal value.Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti, the celebrated Sufi saint (see also Chapter 8) who settled there in the twelfth century, attracted devotees from all creeds.As new persons attain voting age names are added to the voters' list.In politics we will be recognising the principle of one man one vote and one vote one value.Anyone who can be a voter can also become a candidate in elections.In 2004 elections, it won about 6 per cent of votes and 43 seats in the Lok Sabha.They may want to discuss a problem, exchange ideas, mobilise public support to a cause, or seek votes for a candidate or party in an election.For this you don't need just an equal right to vote.Rich and poor or men and women from the same caste often vote very differently.Earlier the voters used to indicate who they wanted to vote for by putting a stamp on the ballot paper.Almost all annual company reports presented by their chairpersons devote considerable attention to the general economic environment prevailing in the country and an assessment of its impact on their companies.The fourth challenge is that very often parties do not seem to offer a meaningful choice to the voters.This chapter is devoted to the discussion of major steps and documents involved in foreign trade.

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