War example sentences

When we purchase, we may not be aware of the chain of markets through which these goods travel before they reach us.When individuals see that such behaviour is shown by others, is expected and socially approved, they may ultimately develop a positive attitude towards such behaviour and the associated feelings of devotion.Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences.Towards the end of the chapter, we turn to an assessment of whether elections in India are free and fair.These daily hassles may sometimes have devastating consequences for the individual who is often the one coping alone with them as others may not even be aware of them as outsiders.This allows us to ask a big question: are we moving towards democracy at the global level? Workers of my homeland! I have faith in Chile and its future.Similarly, we can say that removal of a product also boosts the forward reaction and increases the concentration of the products and this has great commercial application in cases of reactions, where the product is a gas or a volatile substance.With the coveted award resting on his chest and his eyes glinting with rare happiness he said, “All I would like to say is: Teach your children music, this is Hindustan's richest tradition; even the West is now coming to learn our music.Also, simply increasing grain production for storage in warehouses cannot solve the problem of malnutrition and hunger.During the Napoleonic Wars, prices of foodgrains were high and farmers expanded production vigorously.These bodies provide long and medium term loans and grants to promote the development of economically backward areas in the world.Unfortunately, in the case of some natural disasters such as earthquakes, even if prediction is possible, the events come too suddenly for people to be warned or to be mentally prepared.When we are stressed or anxious, we tend towards rapid and shallow breathing from high in the chest, with frequent sighs.If we start with equal initial concentration of H2 and I2, the reaction proceeds in the forward direction and the concentration of H2 and I2 decreases while that of HI increases, until all of these become constant at equilibrium (Figureure 5).The centriole, which had undergone duplication during S phase of interphase, now begins to move towards opposite poles of the cell.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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