Words example sentences

Is there any other shorter way for representing chemical equations? Chemical equations can be made more concise and useful if we use chemical formulae instead of words.The aim in this unit is to first read through the story at one go, not worrying about difficult words or difficult language.In other words, cells cannot continually create and transmit electrical impulses.The pre-printed contents of simple transaction voucher appear to the left of above Form as bold dark words.In other words, we can say that some countries are in an advantageous position in producing select goods and services which other countries cannot produce that effectively and efficiently, and viceversa.Another point to be noted is that the words 'and Final' will also be added to the last call, say, if second call is the last call it will be termed as 'Second and Final Call' and if it is the third call which is the last call, it will be termed as 'Third and Final Call'.Some of them require reporting associations with stimuli (e.g., words, inkblots), some involve story writing around pictures, some require sentence completions, some require expression through drawings, and some require choice of stimuli from a large set of stimuli.In other words, if your views are not merely thoughts, but also have emotional and action components, then these views are more than 'opinions'; they are examples of attitudes.He analysed the words of English language to look for traits which describe a person.Normally, such barriers result on account of use of wrong words, faulty translations, different interpretations etc.The only poets from England the simple Gemini staff knew or heard of were Wordsworth and Tennyson; the more literate ones knew of Keats, Shelley and Byron; and one or two might have faintly come to know of someone by the name Eliot.In other words redemption of debentures means repayment of the amount of debentures by the company.Do we wait to have a definition of these words before we use them? Come to think of it, do we have clear definition of these words? It is only by using a word that we understand its meaning.Forest resources ought to be used in a manner that is both environmentally and developmentally sound – in other words, while the environment is preserved, the benefits of the controlled exploitation go to the local people, a process in which decentralised economic growth and ecological conservation go hand in hand.These root words reflect the internal feelings of tightness and constriction of the muscles and breathing reported by many people under stress.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English

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