Fig leaf meaning in hindi - Fig leaf का मतलब हिंदी में

Fig leaf meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fig leaf
As noun : अंजीर का पत्ता
अंजीर वृक्ष की पात्ती
Examples Words that rhyme with fig leaf
Fig leaf synonyms
blind hideaway covering privacy camouflage secretion front curtain obliteration veil cover-up beard red herring smoke screen wraps occultation laundromat dissimulation hide-out obscuration lid canvas sheet cap envelope roof jacket umbrella dress top tent coating semblance wrapper seal facade sheath bark clothing integument hood overlay coverlet tarpaulin cloak paint spread caparison veneer ceiling varnish masquerade binding marquee dome shroud pretense case stopper polish drop awning put-on canopy parasol false front window-dressing trickery color pretension costume counterfeit coloring pseudonym charade illusion pageant face pretentiousness make-believe pen name faking get-up visor visage show aspect affectation air pose posture appearance window dressing disguisement domino dissembling alibi ploy ruse excuse stratagem plea device routine feint bluff stall subterfuge song and dance cleanup cop-out cover story
Fig leaf antonyms
disclosure revelation divulgence exposition showing telling reality honesty personality back rear truth character
Usage of Fig leaf in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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