Id meaning in hindi - Id का मतलब हिंदी में

Id meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Id
As noun : कामतत्व
पहचान पत्र
Other : इड Ex:  Mother hood id considered to be the purnacle of complete woman hood. इदम् Ex:  Developers such as id Software उ:   इदम् हैमवतं वर्षं भारतं नाम विश्रुतम्। उसी स्थान पर Ex:  He plays a significant role in its national id and history. वही उ:   वही अणोरणीयान्‌ तथा महतो महीयान्‌ है।
Id synonyms
psyche generative force inner nature instinctive force
Usage of Id in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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