Presumtion meaning in malayalam

Word: Presumtion

Meanings of Presumtion in malayalam :

Noun Mun‍bhaavana (മുന്‍ഭാവന)
Sankalpam (സങ്കല്പം) Anumaanam (അനുമാനം)
Presumtion definition
an assumption that is taken for granted
(law) an inference of the truth of a fact from other facts proved or admitted or judicially noticed
a kind of discourtesy in the form of an act of presuming
Ex: his presumption was intolerable
audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to
Ex: he despised them for their presumptuousness
Related wordsPresumtion - Mun‍bhaavana (മുന്‍ഭാവന)
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