groom meaning in marathi

Word: groom
Meaning of groom in english - man being married, stable attendant, servant, make ready, prepare physically

Meanings in marathi :

saasolaasaansola ( सासोला-सांसोला )
घोडयापुढे धावणारा सेवक
Synonyms of groom
bridegroom suitor spouse husband benedict fiancé hostler equerry stable person educate comb prim prime coach drill curry tidy refresh sleek train refine clean primp nurture preen dress brush spruce up turn out lick into shape make attractive make presentable pretty up put through grind put through mill rub down shape up slick up smarten up
Antonyms of groom
bride dirty damage ruin mess up ignore forget
Identical words :
groom for a horse - maaduri ( मादुरी )
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