Narration meaning in hindi - Narration का मतलब हिंदी में

Narration meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Narration
As noun : अफसाना Ex:  His narration of the Ramayan was very interesting.
अभिवदन Ex:  The narration of "The Book" was split between two usherettes अभिवद्य Ex:  There is no narration आख्यान Ex:  Walton assumes the narration again उ:   शुनःशेप ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण में स्थित एक आख्यान है। इतलाक Ex:  His narration serves as the so-called "voice of God" ईरण Ex:  This narration gives some dualistic dimension to Ayyavazhi theology. उचार Ex:  He said, as a male name, a simple narration of facts in their order and their circumstances उच्चार Ex:  HERE is sometimes said that designates a place in a speech, in a narration in a book, etc कथन Ex:  History, fabulous narration उ:   पर उनके कथन में सादगी है। कथा Ex:  Interrupting the speech over the course of history, narration उ:   निलमत पुराण में भी ऐसी ही एक कथा का उल्लेख है। कथ्था Ex:  Shorten your narration कहनावति Ex:  The narration is the part of speech where the speaker says, exposes the fact develops कहवत्त Ex:  There a lot of action in this tragedy, in this comedy, Most events take place there in action, not narration कहवाव Ex:  They say similar effect This narration is dry कीर्तना Ex:  This pleasant narration serves as a rest after such serious reflections खिंथा Ex:  usitée in narration ख्यातपु Ex:  Who belongs to the narration ख्यातपु Ex:  Who belongs to the narration घटनाक्रम उ:   इस घटनाक्रम के दूरगामी प्रभाव पड़े। दास्तान् प्रतिज्ञातार्थ फिसाना भक्तिवाद लोकवृत्तांत वणन वदंति, वदंती वाग्व्यवहार वार्ता साहित्य विनयोक्ति विरतंत वृद्धक संदेसड़ा समुद् गार सामप्रयोग हितवाक्य
Other : वर्णन उ:   इस धाम का वर्णन पुराणों में भी पाया जाता है। वाचन उ:   यह तीसरा वाचन कहलाता है।
Narration ki paribhasha : vah vaaky aadi jo kisi jatil pad ya vaaky aadi ka arth spasht karata ho upanyaas ke tau bhedon men se ek
Narration synonyms
tale anecdote narrative story explanation yarn recital rehearsal report relation telling account voice-over recounting recountal storytelling
Narration antonyms
concealment suppression
Usage of Narration in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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