Observe meaning in hindi - Observe का मतलब हिंदी में

Observe meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Observe
As noun : अनुपालन करना Ex:  We observe sweet fragrance every where in spring season.
As verb :
अक्खाना Ex:  Please observe the reaction of these two chemicals अभिसंधा Ex:  He could also use it to observe the sky अरसपरस Ex:  Galileo continued to observe the satellites over the next eighteen months अवकखन Ex:  On a peripheral blood film, one can observe features of hyposplenism i. ईरण Ex:  There are many other institutions that observe the Haitian scholastic program. उदभावन Ex:  Catholics must also observe the eucharistic fast उदीक्षण Ex:  Gambians officially observe the holidays of both religions. उद्वोक्षण Ex:  Bahá'ís observe 11 Holy Days throughout the year कहना Ex:  Most Hindus observe religious rituals at home. उ:   उन्होंने 'ना' कहना शुरू किया पेट केंद्रित जीवन को। झिकना Ex:  Malaysians observe a number of holidays and festivities throughout the year. तकन Ex:  From there, one can observe most of the city's architecture. तकनापु Ex:  If one were to observe it from Alpha Centauri तवरना Ex:  This rule we shall observe if we follow universality, antiquity, consent. तष्षना Ex:  As anthropologists Leonard Lieberman and Fatimah Linda Jackson observe तारनी Ex:  We observe that is a generic solution to the wave equation. दाषना Ex:  Many observe that capitalism has changed much since Marx's time दिच्छना Ex:  In an attempt to observe the first transit of the pair दीदारी Ex:  Most managed to observe at least part of the transit दृश Ex:  Enceladus is difficult to observe from Earth दृष्टिविक्षेप Ex:  Adherents are generally required to observe the Five Pillars of Islam देखना Ex:  A portion of the galaxies we can observe are classified as active. उ:   देखना यह है कि उन्हें इतिहास किस तरह याद रखता है। निभार Ex:  Radio telescopes can also be used to observe neutral hydrogen नियमों का पालन करना Ex:  The failure of some member states to observe the SGP निरखना Ex:  A third observer would observe the second and so on. पेखनापु Ex:  Action to notice, observe प्रतिचक्षण Ex:  Anyone do not observe this law will be punished बागना ‡ Ex:  Beware singing out mark to observe those sighs बेखना Ex:  Building constructed to be able to observe the stars and their movements भक्खना Ex:  Failure to observe the rules of discipline destroys भख्खना Ex:  flying Camp, Small army composed mainly of cavalry, which holds the country for shopping at enemies or to observe भगतावन Ex:  He also says of the Order to observe the distribution of exercises, assignments etc मुखराना ‡ Ex:  He interrupted his story to make us observe that मुशाहदा Ex:  He knows the rules, but he puts them not observe रीतिरिवाज़ों का पालन करना Ex:  He said exactly Those who observe the practices of religion वरणना Ex:  In terms of Astronomy, it means a system son behind which we observe the passage of a star समालोक Ex:  It also means observe something, pay attention to something समुदीरण Ex:  It is curious to observe the progress of plant germination
Other : अनुष्ठान करना Ex:  we may diligently observe the Lords supper on the first day of the week, diligently preach the gospel, or minister to the saint अप्ना मत या सोचविचार व्यक्त करना Ex:  The youth does not observe speed limits. अवलोकन करना Ex:  The country does observe daylight saving time occasionally आलोचना करना Ex:  The Frank family did not observe all of the customs and traditions of Judaism. ध्यान से देखना Ex:  Infrared is also used to observe distant निशान करना Ex:  You will observe that unprotected soil splashes out . प्रेक्षण करना Ex:  Attendance sheet, Celle to be signed by members of a company or employees of a government to observe their presence स‌ंप्रेक्षण करना Ex:  It is mainly used figuratively and signifies observe the course of events to adjust his conduct following what we see
Observe ki paribhasha : yah kahalavaana ki haaan koi baat aisi hi hai kisi ko poojya, aadaraniy ya yogy samajhana shabdon dvaara abhipraay prakat karana kisi vastu ke astitv ya usake roopa, rng aadi ka gyaan netron dvaara praapt karana
Examples Words that rhyme with observe
Usage of Observe in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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