Prodigal meaning in hindi - Prodigal का मतलब हिंदी में

Prodigal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Prodigal
As noun : अकृपण Ex:  the parable of the prodigal son
अताबख्श Ex:  at miserly father, the prodigal son अपव्ययी Ex:  Character, usually the man or woman who is prodigal अर्थध्न Ex:  It is a prodigal उत्तानहृदय Ex:  It is prodigal to the success of this enterprise, the public interest उदार Ex:  It means figuratively also do no prodigal one thing, which is strong household उ:   उसके धार्मिक विचार उदार थे। उरुसत्व Ex:  Judicial Council says of Man law designated by Justice after consulting the family council to manage the property of a prodigal किंवराटक Ex:  The Children's parable of the prodigal खर्चीला Ex:  The man also said sow money, is prodigal जरबकस Ex:  This man is prodigal of words, promises, oaths दरियावार Ex:  , Kill the fatted calf, Taking a celebration to mark the joy of the return we someone, in allusion to the parable of the prodigal child of दिलचला Ex:  Not only is stingy point, but it is even prodigal देष्णु धिष्णय फजूलखर्च फैयाज बेपरवाइ भूरिदक्षिण मलुक मुचिर यजाक रुक उ:   ऐसिडियन के बैंगची की वृद्धि इस अवस्था के पश्चात् रुक जाती है। वादान्य संप्रद सुदक्षिण
Other : अमित व्ययी Ex:  Having the large hand, be generous or be prodigal उडाऊ Ex:  It is not liberal, it is prodigal खर्च Ex:  The child's return prodigal उ:   बच्चों के मां-बाप का इस पर बहुत कम खर्च आता है। गँवाऊ Ex:  This man is prodigal of his property to relieve the unfortunate फजूल खर्च फ़ुजूलखर्ची
Prodigal ki paribhasha : kisi kaam men kisi vastu ka lagana bure kaamon men vyay karanevaala yog men asmitaa, raaga, dvesh aur abhinivesh in chaaron kleshon ka ek bhed ya avastha jisamen koi klesh apane poorn roop men vartamaan rahata hua apane vishay ka grahan karata rahata hai
Examples Words that rhyme with prodigal
Usage of Prodigal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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