Sandal meaning in hindi - Sandal का मतलब हिंदी में

Sandal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Sandal
Other : चन्दन उ:   इसके बाद चन्दन धारण कराएँ। पादुका उ:   अंतमे वे श्रीरामजी की पादुका लेकर लौट गये। बिंदी
Sandal ki paribhasha : ek ped jisake hir ki lakadi bahut sugndhit hoti hai aur jo dakshin bhaarat ke maisoora, koorga, haidaraabaada, karanaataka, nilagiri, pashchimi ghaat aadi sthaanon men bahut hota hai ek prakaar ka joota jisaki eandi chipati hoti hai
Examples Words that rhyme with sandal
Usage of Sandal in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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