Scrupulous meaning in hindi - Scrupulous का मतलब हिंदी में

Scrupulous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Scrupulous
As adjective : अकल्कल Ex:  less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance
अजिह्म Ex:  A probity scrupulous अतिसतर्क Ex:  A scrupulous writer ईमानदार Ex:  Having the wider consciousness, Not to be little scrupulous respect honesty, duty उ:   यहां के लोग ईमानदार और मेहनत के धनी हैं। कर्तव्य निष्ठ Ex:  I'm in a matter of conscience, I am scrupulous in धर्मभीरु Ex:  It also means, in terms of Literature and Arts, servile Accuracy, too scrupulous निष्प्रपंच Ex:  It does not intend to ridicule it, said of a scrupulous man on a certain thing, sensitive to a certain point शुद्धधी Ex:  Probity severe, scrupulous श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  RELIGION still says a scrupulous feeling, a rigorous requirement that it is सत्यपर,सत्यपरायण Ex:  The religion of the oath, the scrupulous respect of the oath सिद्दीक स्वव्याज
Other : अन्त-क्षोभी Ex:  Consciousness scrupulous किन्तुक Ex:  In a way scrupulous धर्मभीरू Ex:  It does everything with scrupulous attention पापभीरु Ex:  It is true scrupulous पापशंकालु Ex:  It means absolutely the same Who is scrupulous respect honesty, morality, or simple decency पूर्ण सूक्ष्म Ex:  It still means Who is accurate, punctual, scrupulous श्रमसाध्य Ex:  Punctuality scrupulous संदेही Ex:  scrupulous स‌ंकोची हलाल होशियार उ:   सभी दोस्तों क्रिस गया है के बीच, मधु होशियार एक है।
Scrupulous ki paribhasha : vah jo abhiyogon aadi ka nyaay karata ho jisake snpaadan men shram karana pade ek kaavyaalnkaar jisamen chittavratti ko sookshm cheshta se lakshit karaane ka varnan hota hai jo lenaden ya vyavahaar men sachcha ho
Examples Words that rhyme with scrupulous
Usage of Scrupulous in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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