Skillful meaning in hindi - Skillful का मतलब हिंदी में

Skillful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Skillful
As adjective : आढ़ Ex:  Artisans are skillful in woodwork.
कुशल Ex:  He is a skillful person. उ:   भाषा की व्यंजकता बढ़ाने में वे अत्यंत कुशल थे। कृतकर्मा Ex:  Tongan women are known for being skillful jugglers, see http://www. कृतहस्त Ex:  A skillful embroiderer कृतागम Ex:  A skillful popularizer कौशलपूर्ण Ex:  ESCAPE FROM Stop means, by force or by flight, by violent or skillful movement of being where we were, where we were detained, escape from enemy hands उ:   कौशलपूर्ण मानवीय कार्य को कला की संज्ञा दी जाती है। क्षिप्रकर Ex:  For his skillful maneuvers he separated the enemy from his base of operations, its shops चाबुकदस्त Ex:  Have a light hand, User of his power, his authority with a skillful moderation प्रतिपत्तिविशारद् Ex:  It means one familiar skillful way, clever युक्तिमान् Ex:  The people of the Balearic Islands were thought to be the most skillful slingers वचस Ex:  , Having in mind at your fingertips, be skillful in hand works वेदिता Ex:  , to give the most skillful to do better, Challenging the cleverest better शीलित Ex:  This man believes skillful शौंडि सामग्य सौस्थय स्वाप्त हस्तवत्
Other : दक्ष Ex:  It also means, speaking of style, which is harmonious, that flatters the ear by a happy choice and a skillful arrangement of words उ:   परंतु, न तो वीरभद्र दक्ष का सिर काटता है और न ही उसे भस्म करता है। पटु Ex:  It cites among the most skillful प्रवीण Ex:  She is a skillful negotiator
Skillful ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi kaam ko chatapat sugamataapoorvak karane ki shakti ho achchha gaane, bajaane ya bolanevaala
Usage of Skillful in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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