Splatter meaning in hindi - Splatter का मतलब हिंदी में

Splatter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Splatter
As noun : खलकाना
छलकाना छींटे मारना तड़तड़ा कर गिरना तड़तड़ाहट
Other : उच्छल Ex:  Night of the Living Dead ushered in the slasher and splatter film sub-genres. कोलाहल छिड़कना छ���ंटे मारना
Splatter ki paribhasha : bahut se logon ki aspasht chillaahat kisi paatr men bhare hue jal aadi ko hila dulaakar baahar uchhaalana
Usage of Splatter in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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