Strong meaning in hindi - Strong का मतलब हिंदी में

Strong meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Strong
As noun : उपोढ़ Ex:  She uses a very strong antiperspirant.
कटु Ex:  The football player was strong as a lion . उ:   इसकी कटु आलोचना होती रही है। क्रक्कस Ex:  Titanium is almost as strong as steel but lighter दृड्ढ Ex:  2001. The APRC maintained its strong majority in the National Assembly दृढ Ex:  Democrats are strong in urban Philadelphia and the areas of Pittsburgh उ:   मगर "जो दृढ राखे धर्म को ताहि राखे करतार" । व्यायत Ex:  Studies have shown strong associations between many different kinds of seabirds समवस्थित Ex:  A strong women's pro-democracy movement has formed in exile
As adjective : अंदधुंध Ex:  Miss Stubs was under strong impression that God is near. अकाटय Ex:  a strong radio signal अकुंठित Ex:  Delegates expressed strong opposition to the proposal. अकृश Ex:  it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true अगाधरुधिर Ex:  He has a strong aspiration to become rich . अटपट Ex:  It is strong for me to believe that you was involved in scandel. अटल Ex:  In their community their is a strong feeling of brotherhood. अतिशयित Ex:  John was ruled out as a possible suspect because he had a strong alibi अतिशायी Ex:  The strong wind tousled my hair अतें Ex:  their children were never very strong on obedience अत्यधिक Ex:  She fancies a strong hot cup of tea after a long working session. उ:   कीटों के जीवन में पक्षों को अत्यधिक महत्व है। अधर्षणी Ex:  There should be strong link between management & workers. अध्यारुढ Ex:  For attractive paintings there should be use of strong colours. अनब्बर Ex:  The strong aroma whetted my apetite. अपरबल Ex:  The fledgelings of this bird are now strong enough to learn to fly. अपिच्छिल Ex:  I hope that a patient person like him is strong enough to stay the course. अपील Ex:  She has a strong ideation power. उ:   फैसला के विरूद्ध कहीं अपील नहीं होती है। अमाननीय Ex:  Meerut is a strong hold for this political party. अमीक Ex:  The burglars picked the lock of strong room. अमोगाँ Ex:  That is very strong pier. उग्ग Ex:  His hatered flamed anew on strong criticism from his collegues. उग्र Ex:  She is a woman of strong character. उ:   हिंदू बोर्डिग हाउस उन दिनों उग्र विचारों का केंद्र था। उछाहित Ex:  Lions have a strong mandible. उज्ज्वल Ex:  The chairs have strong wire netting. उ:   नैनो के क्षेत्र में भारत में उज्ज्वल संभावनाएं हैं। उत्साही Ex:  Our countrys jurisprudence is based on strong principles. उदूढ Ex:  She has strong musical bent. उद्गगाढ Ex:  Ram and Mohan had strong ties of friendship. उन्मयूख Ex:  Precious ornaments should be kept in strong box. उर्वरित Ex:  Hitler was a strong man who ruled Germany. उल्बण Ex:  We need a strong and effecient judiciary. उस्तवार Ex:  In his racing stable,most of the horses have very strong croup. उस्त्र Ex:  Dry leaves driven away by the strong wind. ऊँडा Ex:  Ram is having a strong personality. ऊझल Ex:  Coca Cola has a strong foothold in the Indian market. ओजस्वी Ex:  Dills are added to pickles for a strong taste. उ:   जो ऐसा जानता है वह ओजस्वी और महास्वान् होता है । औंड़ा Ex:  All the flags in the stadium were fluttering in the strong wind. कड़ोर Ex:  The movies like Gadano Bel had strong realism and reformism. कृतागम Ex:  The Standard Model defines the strong क्षमताशील Ex:  Some parts of his work have a strong Tlaxcala bias. खंगड़ Ex:  Hungarian traditional music tends to have a strong dactylic rhythm खतंगर Ex:  A domestic cat's sense of smell is about fourteen times as strong as a human's. खरस्पर्श Ex:  Galahs create strong life-long bonds with their partners. गरुअ Ex:  Petre had strong family connections to the site गरुअर Ex:  Rainfall and strong winds affected many homes across the state गरुवा Ex:  Much of the 12,000 strong collection consists of secular items गरूपु Ex:  Nostalgia runs strong out here गरेरुआ Ex:  The film was successful and brought Tate strong reviews गलवार्त Ex:  Favoured by many European nations for its extremely straight and strong trunk गहरा Ex:  Canada's links to Britain remained strong उ:   इसमें एक गहरा कुँआ भी है। गहरी Ex:  Wagner exerted a strong influence on the operatic medium. उ:   यह घाटी ४४६ किलोमीटर लंबी और छह हजार फीट गहरी है। गहिर Ex:  The merger plan caused strong adverse reaction in Africa गहीरो, गहीरौ Ex:  The shaman’s bodies are to be formed in a strong manner घनिष्ठ Ex:  Neutrinos feel neither the strong nor the electromagnetic interactions. उ:   कला और जीवन का वे घनिष्ठ संबंध स्वीकार करते हैं। चंडवान् Ex:  In strong tropical cyclones चंड़ Ex:  He showed strong interest in one woman while in Auvergne. चंड़ Ex:  He showed strong interest in one woman while in Auvergne. छंम Ex:  He was also known for his all-round game and strong competitive instinct. छमी Ex:  The legs are strong for Procellariiformes जडैल Ex:  The mythological symbol of the World Tree was a very strong one जबरजंग Ex:  The strong force is the fundamental force mediated by gluons जबरजरत Ex:  The strong interaction is the most powerful of the four fundamental forces. जबरदस्त Ex:  The strong force only acts directly upon elementary particles. उ:   इसे देश और विदेशों में जबरदस्त सराहना मिली है। जबर्दस्त Ex:  Johnny Carson was too strong in the ratings for the same time slot. उ:   गीत, गजल, मुक्तक और छन्द के विधान पर उनकी जबर्दस्त पकड़ थी। जब्बर Ex:  British influence remained strong for several decades जाफा Ex:  Russia, Japan, India, and China have been strong since independence. जाविर Ex:  President Ravalomanana has cultivated strong links with the United States जोरदार Ex:  He has also cultivated strong ties with China during his tenure. उ:   सही-गलत के आकलन के लिए पक्ष-विपक्ष पर जोरदार बहस होती थी। डिढ Ex:  Plato's influence has been especially strong in mathematics and the sciences. तत्ती Ex:  Ran also contains a strong element of nihilism तिक्षि Ex:  The Ecclesia adopted Ephialtes' proposal without strong opposition. तिग्मतेज Ex:  Lviv is historically strong on culture. तिग्मतेज Ex:  Lviv is historically strong on culture. तिग्मतेज Ex:  Lviv is historically strong on culture. तिच्छ Ex:  Weak tornadoes, or strong तिच्छन Ex:  Costa Rica is a democratic republic with a strong constitution. तिच्छना Ex:  Its estuary, or liman, used to be defended by the strong fortress of Ochakiv. तिरीछन Ex:  Methodism and other independent churches are traditionally strong in Wales. तिष्षिय Ex:  There is also a strong tradition of créole desserts and cakes तीक्ष्ण Ex:  A few, more visible than strong in numbers, placed their aspirations on Stalin. उ:   इसमें विभिन्न वर्ण की तीक्ष्ण रेखाएँ पाई जाती हैं। तीक्ष्णकर्मा Ex:  This requires a strong analytical ability तीखा Ex:  Denver has a strong mayor/weak city council government. तीच्छन Ex:  These recommendations in 2005 drew strong criticism from many states तीव्रसंवेग Ex:  There is also strong growth in the recycling/environmental sector. तेजस्वी Ex:  The experience had a strong impact on Thoreau. उ:   कंधों पर भाले और हाथों में अग्नि के समान तेजस्वी शस्त्र रहते हैं। तेज़ Ex:  This lactone has a strong coconut aroma. त्रसीग Ex:  There is strong competition between private taxi companies. दड्ढ Ex:  The more recent movement of communitarianism has a strong Hegelian influence दुर्दमनीथ Ex:  Armenia has had strong economic growth since 1995 दुर्देंड Ex:  Funk Carioca found a strong community following in Brazil. दूप Ex:  Acetic anhydride is a strong acetylation agent. दूरारूढ Ex:  South Korea is notably strong in women's golf. धर्णास, धर्णासि, धर्णी Ex:  The compromise has turned out to be surprisingly strong and appears permanent. धर्णास, धर्णासि, धर्णी Ex:  The compromise has turned out to be surprisingly strong and appears permanent. ध्रुवि Ex:  Because of the weight of an aquarium, they must be strong as well as level. निभृत Ex:  Australia has strong teams in cricket निरोगी Ex:  The large Ka1 for the first dissociation makes sulfuric a strong acid. निर्दट, निर्दड Ex:  They all agree that he was very strong पक्का Ex:  His fleet was 36 ships strong उ:   यहां एक तालाब है जिसे पक्का तालाब कहा जाता है। परिगाढ Ex:  The city developed relatively quickly and grew into a strong market. पर्बल Ex:  The game also had a strong showing at the 2004 BAFTA Games Awards पर्ष Ex:  Having lost the ability to fly, they have developed strong legs. पर्ष Ex:  Having lost the ability to fly, they have developed strong legs. पारगत Ex:  Many of these companies remain relatively strong प्रक्खर Ex:  Seattle also boasts a strong history in collegiate sports प्रतिबल Ex:  Flagstaff has a strong tourism sector प्रबल Ex:  West Virginia also has a very strong tradition of union membership. उ:   वे हिन्दी के प्रबल समर्थकों में से एक थे। प्रभावन Ex:  Yeltsin imposed a new constitution with strong presidential powers प्रभावशाली Ex:  Following a strong fifth place at his home event उ:   दत्तसंप्रदाय प्रभाव महाराष्ट्र, कर्नाटक में प्रभावशाली है। प्रयोजक Ex:  Contemporary Tongans often have strong ties to overseas lands. प्रविविक्त Ex:  Using their strong parliamentary majority प्रविसृत Ex:  And it was twice as strong as Toti Dal Monte's! बंहिष्ठ Ex:  The growth was fueled by strong investments in bauxite/alumina बढती Ex:  Jamaica is rich in culture, and has a strong global presence. उ:   जिससे यहां के वनों की विविधिता बढती है। बरारा Ex:  Because none of Gediminas' siblings had strong heirs बलवान Ex:  Reflecting the strong influence of Rousseau उ:   तुम मेरे समान बलवान हो। बलीयस् Ex:  From his father, Ho received a strong Confucian upbringing. बलीयान् Ex:  When the gods felt strong enough they killed Ymir. बहीय Ex:  Twain held strong views on the political topics of his day बहुमुख Ex:  The city has strong Turkish and Balkan communities. बहुसंख्यक Ex:  Zambia's strong support for the ANC उ:   इन देशों में बौद्ध धर्म बहुसंख्यक धर्म है। भारी Ex:  Tourism is also strong in the state उ:   भारी मन से युद्ध भूमि की ओर दौड़ पड़ा। भूरिधाम Ex:  The dances were often based on strong भूरी Ex:  Among these is the strong evidence that stuttering has a genetic basis. मनमानिब ‡ Ex:  General Antonio López de Santa Anna was a strong influence in Mexican politics महत Ex:  By 1902 a 5 team league emerged still with a strong English influence . महत्वपूर्ण Ex:  Competition can be strong both within species and between species उ:   मानसा ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से काफी महत्वपूर्ण है। महत्वान्वित Ex:  Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid, since it is fully dissociated in water. महार्थ Ex:  For a strong acid like HCl, the Ka is large. महाहु Ex:  Of the seven common strong acids in chemistry मुस्तकिल Ex:  Like many other towns of the Near East with strong Asian cultural influences मुस्तकिल Ex:  Like many other towns of the Near East with strong Asian cultural influences मुहकम Ex:  A powerful regional presence in the Eurasian landmass with strong historic मोहकम Ex:  Turkey has developed a strong tradition of secularism. युद्धशाली Ex:  Compared to Poles who had strong anti-Soviet and anti-communist sentiments यौवनस्थ Ex:  Many healthy, young strong Jews were not killed immediately. Ex:  Without a strong army in the west वाजयु Ex:  In Ceuta the tsunami was strong but in the Mediterranean Sea विरोग Ex:  Television also exerted a strong influence विशित Ex:  Thus he grew up without strong religious influences विशिष्ट संख्या Ex:  Trade is another strong sector of the city. व्यायत Ex:  Studies have shown strong associations between many different kinds of seabirds शक्तिशालि Ex:  It left a strong influence on the língua brasílica उ:   हेसोइड के मुतबिक वह क्रोधि, बलवान और शक्तिशालि थे। शाणित Ex:  1988, strong winds expanded the fires rapidly, and more than were consumed. संभ्रात Ex:  He was a strong critic of railroad and mining interests सक्कस Ex:  Liquid ammonia possesses strong ionizing powers समद्धत Ex:  They should never be mixed with chlorine-containing products or strong oxidants समरथ Ex:  Forestry remains strong समर्थ Ex:  Local influences have also been a strong part of Scouting. उ:   लोकोक्ति पूरे वाक्य का निर्माण करने में समर्थ होती है। सरभस Ex:  Despite increasingly strong calls for peace सवेग Ex:  The service sector is also strong and includes civil सशक्त Ex:  The city of Houston has a strong mayoral form of municipal government. उ:   भारत में समूह का यह पहला सशक्त प्रयास था। सहारोग्य Ex:  Both sides have strong evidence, and the conflict has yet to be resolved. सहीसलामत Ex:  John Valder's criticism was particularly strong सातिशय Ex:  The art of Mathura tends to be based on a strong Indian tradition सामर्थ्यवान Ex:  Olivier and Leigh developed a strong attraction सारगात्र Ex:  Communist rule had quite a strong effect on the art and writing of Ukraine. सुनिश्र्चल Ex:  Even though Bolshevik influence in the ranks was strong सुवर्चा, सुवर्च्चा Ex:  Women's golf is especially strong सुविस्तर Ex:  Nicaraguan culture has strong folklore सुश्लेष Ex:  The Pacific coast has strong folklore सुस्वस्थ Ex:  Nicaragua enjoys a strong tradition of American-style Baseball. सौकड़ों Ex:  That Petrucci published many of them without text is strong evidence of this स्वस्थ Ex:  New Jersey has a strong scientific economy. उ:   मैं स्वस्थ हूँ और क्षत्रिय भी।
Other : कड़वा Ex:  We came up against a very strong team . कड़ा Ex:  HCL has a strong sense of social responsibility . उ:   लेकिन पतिव्रता होने के कारण उन्होंने कोई कड़ा बर्ताव भी नहीं किया। कड‌़क Ex:  India also has had some very strong bowling figures करारा Ex:  Perfect Dark received strong reviews from magazines and websites alike. कड़क Ex:  The Presbyterians have historically had a strong presence in Charlotte कड़ा Ex:  The rule of law is strong गाढ़ा Ex:  Being short but strong चंड Ex:  He started the 1958 season strong by going 7–3 through July टनाका Ex:  Roosevelt was a strong supporter of Scouting तगड़ा Ex:  The original writers show a strong bias against Saul तीब्र Ex:  There are strong British influences, together with Afro-Caribbean. उ:   तीब्र प्रवाह *रोह*, की भांति चढ़ाई करने वाला भी रोहिला कहलाया। तीव्र Ex:  His influence over the Dutch members was very strong उ:   संघर्ष इतना तीव्र था कि दोनों पक्षों ने अपने विजयी होने का दावा किया। पक्व Ex:  While both Young Henry and Richard were relatively strong in France पल्लेदार या ऊँचा Ex:  Due to the prevailing strong winds the North Sea पायदार Ex:  Because of the strong tides and areas of still water पुख़्ता Ex:  Other strong quakes occurred on December 14 बलवंत Ex:  Houphouët-Boigny established a strong relationship with the French government उ:   इनके प्रयासों से ही वहां वासुदेव बलवंत फड़के का स्मारक निर्माण हुआ। बली Ex:  At the end of November he wrote a strong letter to Uncle Stricker उ:   पूर्ण बली ग्रह को एक रुपा अंक दिये जाते हैं। मजबूत Ex:  Fonda cultivated a strong उ:   गोमो में एक मजबूत व्यापारिक वर्ग भी है। वाजी Ex:  "m" represents unusually strong levels of metals शक्ति Ex:  This has given the state a strong tradition. उ:   उनमें शील, शक्ति और सौंदर्य का समन्वय है। शह Ex:  Reinforced with bulkheads and other internal structure it is strong but heavy सबल Ex:  These solutions are very useful as strong reducing agents. उ:   केवल वे ही जीव जीवित रह पाते थे, जो सबल थे। सांद्र Ex:  He gathered a strong army and ruled over countries and nations. उ:   थोरियम सांद्र हाइड्रोक्लोरिक अम्ल अथवा अम्लराज में विलेय है। सामर्थ्य Ex:  Although Chinese influence was strong उ:   अपने सामर्थ्य के अनुसार इन्होंने देश सेवा में भी योग दिया। सुदृढ Ex:  With strong support from Rice University and the University of Texas at Austin उ:   एक बहुत सुदृढ समीक्षा और निगरानी प्रक्रियाओं का विकास किया गया है। सुदृढ़ Ex:  1989 was another very strong year for Lendl. सुप्रतिष्ठित Ex:  Today, there are several strong South Korean industries. सुस्थिर Ex:  There are also strong Anglican and Moravian communities on the Caribbean coast.
Strong ki paribhasha : dradhataapoorvak sthit ya sthaapit jisaki satah dabaane se na deb ya mushkil se deb saarthak vaaky men milaakar rakhe hue shabdon ki snsakti ko jyotish men moola, aarda्raa, jyeshthaa, ashvini aur revati nakshatron men budh ki gati paani jisamen jamin bahut andar jaakar mile kshatriy pita aur shoodra maata se utpann ek snkar jaati anaaj ya phal jo pusht hokar khaane ke yogy ho gaya ho jisaka svaad bahut tej ya charapara ho u—tulasis pavan nndan atal kruddh yuddh kautuk karai bura ya uddhegajanak
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The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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