extra meaning in telugu

Word: extra
Meaning of extra in english - accessory, excess, particularly

Meanings in telugu :

shivaayi ( శివాయి )

Identical words :

As noun :
extract - rasamu ( రసము )
As adjective :
extraordinary - apoorvamu ( అపూర్వము )
extravagant - dubaara ( దుబారా )
extraction - vanshamu ( వంశము )

Synonyms of extra

supplementary added ancillary additional unnecessary extraneous unused extraordinary fresh supplemental new further leftover other special auxiliary gravy supernumerary needless perk lagniappe button inessential tip ice surplus spare more fuss reserve another beyond optional redundant superfluous unneeded gingerbread in addition in reserve in store one more over and above considerably especially exceptionally extraordinarily extremely markedly rarely uncommon uncommonly unusually remarkably noticeably bonus extension complement affix adjunct attachment appendage addendum

Antonyms of extra

needed used commonplace usual worn basic elementary fundamental necessary normal ordinary old main essential integral decrease reduction lessening subtraction

Related English Telugu Meaning

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