Unbalanced meaning in hindi - Unbalanced का मतलब हिंदी में

Unbalanced meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unbalanced
As verb : उन्मत्तक Ex:  Because he gradually grew unbalanced and violent
ऊमंती Ex:  Andronikos seems to have become increasingly unbalanced खीपट Ex:  May this idea be not a dream! This system is the dream of an unbalanced mind निर्दट, निर्दड पागल बौड़हा मदकल सिड़बिला, सिड़बिल्ला सोन्मद, सोन्माद हरिप्रिय हावलाबावला
As adjective : असंतुलित Ex:  If they are unbalanced उ:   इसका परिणाम है कि यह कर्त्तव्य का असंतुलित विश्लेषण प्रस्तुत करता है। असम Ex:  The target may also become unbalanced in attempting to avoid the blow उ:   कलिगोपाल असम का परिद्ध लोक नृत्य है। विषमक वैप्रतिसम
Unbalanced ki paribhasha : ooanchaanicha
Examples Words that rhyme with unbalanced
Usage of Unbalanced in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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