Well disposed meaning in hindi - Well disposed का मतलब हिंदी में

Well disposed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Well disposed
As adjective :
अनुकूल Ex:  I am not well disposed toward Walter . उ:   लेकिन भारत में ऐसे विकास के लिए सब कुछ अनुकूल था। अनुप्रवण Ex:  I am well disposed to his अनुरुप अनुसाम अनुहरत आनुकूलिक आनुलोमिक उद्धर दहिन प्रसव्य प्रसादस्थ मुताविक वफ्क सलिंग सहमत उ:   बहुत देर झिझकने के बाद, लेखक सहमत की। साजगार सानुभाव सामन्य सुम्नी सेँमुष
Well disposed ki paribhasha : vah naayak jo ek hi vivaahit stri men anurakt ho jisaka mat doosare ke saath milata ho
Usage of Well disposed in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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