Worry meaning in hindi - Worry का मतलब हिंदी में

Worry meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Worry
As noun : अंतशय्या Ex:  He was frantic with worry when his daughter did not return to home.
अंदेश Ex:  his worry over the prospect of being fired अंदोह Ex:  Some kinds of social problems worry people. अडंचन Ex:  Dont worry her, she is already disturbed. अतर्भावना Ex:  I donot worry about my Result. अदावँ Ex:  His principle of philanthropy makes worry about the poor. अनुशोचना Ex:  Dont worry of being caught, he is a sitting duck. अभिशंका Ex:  Quiet the dragons of worry and fear अमानस्य Ex:  Dont worry you will land a good job. अवझोरा Ex:  We've all been biting our nails from worry . असुबिधा Ex:  Don't worry about us . आदीनव Ex:  I didn't give cause for you to worry so much . इंतशार Ex:  Don't worry about me . इंतशार Ex:  Don't worry about me . उंझट Ex:  Don't worry about the spilled milk . उपतप्ता Ex:  Oh, don't worry about that . औत्कंठय Ex:  Don't worry about Tom . कठिनताई Ex:  Don't worry about the car loan . कठिनाई Ex:  Tom won't worry about your insults . उ:   तैल-ज्वालकों में कठिनाई है उनकी बत्ती काटने की। कोफर Ex:  Don't worry about the bill . कोफर Ex:  Don't worry about the bill . खँभार Ex:  You can't worry the information out of her . खरखशा Ex:  Lord Harding, to worry about the "risks involved in denuding India of troops". चकचूहट Ex:  We worry about problems, feel anxiety, or become depressed . चपकलश Ex:  Biting the heart, and, abbreviation, if grieve, grieve, worry चपकुलिश Ex:  Do not worry चिंता करना Ex:  Do not worry चिंता Ex:  Do not worry about his threats, do not believe his promises, these are words, they are just words उ:   इसका कारण शायद चिंता है। चिन्तित करना Ex:  I do not care as Colin-Tampon, I do not care, I do not worry me चींथना Ex:  It means, figuratively, giving the penalty, hassle, worry छरभार Ex:  It once meant Torment in any manner whatsoever, worry raised by unseasonably embarrassment छोराछोरी Ex:  of two kinds Person nothing to worry जबाबदेही Ex:  The condition of the patient has nothing to worry about जिम्मेदारी Ex:  This case is serious enough to worry उ:   कमाने की जिम्मेदारी मर्द पर है। जेरबारी Ex:  This new worry झंजार Ex:  what is tormenting you so much? We should not worry so little to झंझट Ex:  Who has any worry of something झिगरा, झिगरो Ex:  You understand that this must worry झौँझट Ex:  Your presence frees me from fear, from worry झौँर Ex:  , Do take into account, ignore someone, something, do not point the event, did not worry ट्योंझा Ex:  , every day at a time, its simply wrong, Do not worry unnecessarily about the future, make advance ठकठक Ex:  , every day at a time, must not unnecessarily worry about the future, make advance sorrows तफक्कुर Ex:  , Making fun of something like forty year, not make no circumstances take any worry तरददुद् Ex:  , practicing the policy of the ostrich is said of some people who deliberately do not see a danger that threat and they do not want to worry about तश्वीश Ex:  It is said, in ordinary language, in a Certain willingness to see things as beautiful, do not worry about the present embarrassment and augurs well for the future तसवीस Ex:  It is said, in ordinary language, in a Certain willingness to see things as beautiful, do not worry about the present embarrassment and augurs well for the future तुद त्विष् दुःख उ:   यह दुःख नाशक प्रयोग है। दुक्ख दुचितईपु दुचिताईपु दुष्ख दुष्ष परीशानी परेशानी उ:   ताकि किसी प्रकार की परेशानी पैदा न हो। पर्युत्सुकत्व पीड़ाकरण प्रसख्या प्रैष फांड़ खाना फांड्ॅअ खाना बंकम बितंडा बिरोग ‡ बिसमौ बिसुरना बेजारी महम मुखमसा मुश्किल उ:   एक तरह से यह शोधन बेहद आसान भी होता है और मुश्किल भी। मोह उ:   तीसरा चरण सुन्दरता के प्रति मोह देता है और कामुकता की तरफ़ भेजता है। रंजूरी रोवनी, धोवनी वकूआ विप्रधर्ष विराधान विष्पित विसमाद विहेठ विह्नलता वैचिञ्य वैचित्य व्याकूत श्रांति षट्राग सरगर्दानी सरसेट हलाकानी ‡ हृदयलेख हृल्लेखा
As verb : अँगुरियाना Ex:  Dont worry be happy. चिंतित होना Ex:  Harassing enemies, The worry tiring by frequent attacks by frequent skirmishes परेशान करना पिड़काना । फिकर
Other : आकुलता Ex:  I worry about Nancy; she drinks like a fish . आशंका Ex:  Don't worry about the mayor . उ:   ये सभी कारण टाइफाइड होने की आशंका को बढ़ा देते है। कष्ट Ex:  Oh, I'm so miserable! Bill: Don't worry . उ:   इससे बिना किसी कष्ट के कफ निकल जाता है। खिजाना Ex:  One should worry only about intentional discrimination. चिन्ता करना Ex:  He threatens me, you say well and good, Pass, I do not worry me at all चिन्ता Ex:  His philosophy is to not worry about anything उ:   यह चिन्ता किसी विशेष चीज को लेकर नहीं होती और लगातार रहती है। तंग करना Ex:  , Have to worry about being reached soon by one of these diseases थकाना दुःखना परेशान करना. फिराक रगड़ना सताना
Worry ki paribhasha : jo kramashaः buri haalat ko pahuancha ho parishram karaate karaate ashakt karaana kisi ke pichhe padna vyaapti kisi padaarth ko doosare padaarth par rakhakar dabaate hue baar baar idhar udhar chalaana aisa avastha jisase chhutakaara paane ki ichchha praaniyon men svaabhaavik ho
Usage of Worry in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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