Meaning of (अन्यमन) anyamana in english

As noun : absent minded
depressed Ex:  These news depressed her downcast heavy hearted out of it Ex:  Jane had an appointment, but she got out of it . out of sorts Ex:  It is not today in his ordinary, natural, or simply out of sorts in the dumps down in the mouth blue Ex:  He walked out of the building with a man in blue coat. glum Ex:  Plenty of glum faces could be seen after Indias defeat by Australia. apprehensive Ex:  I feel very apprehensive about tomorrows match. concern Ex:  Revolutionary violence had already been a concern in British India disquieted
As verb : off Ex:  His business got off to a flying start with help from his friends. dejected Ex:  is dejected but trying to look cheerful worried Ex:  Her mother got worried after seeing her daughters skelital physic.
As adjective : sad Ex:  I was very sad indeed to hear about it.. saturnine Ex:  She was very saturnine as her husband didnt return. spiritless Ex:  The soldiers were spiritless after losing the war. unhappy Ex:  I tried to blot out those unhappy days . gloomy Ex:  “Cheer up!” Mary said to a gloomy Fred . rueful sorrowful Ex:  be in a bad humor, be sorrowful mood wistful bleak Ex:  "Hardcore comes from the bleak suburbs of America. nervous Ex:  She had a nervous breakdown. afraid Ex:  Dont rush, take your own time to get ready.
Im afraid without a single thought she rushed into marriage.
restless Ex:  I had a restless night
Suggested : directed downward, as the eyes sluggish in temperament gloomy taciturn so as to be no longer supported or attached sad and gloomy dejected downcast affected by unhappiness or grief sorrowful or mournful
Exampleअन्यमन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अन्यमन) anyamana can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : anyamana

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