Meaning of chamakana in english

Interpreting chamakana - चमकना
As noun : radiate
scintillate flame glance Ex:  He caught a glance the terrain light Ex:  The importance of McClintock's contributions only came to light in the 1960s winkle beam Ex:  An oak beam shimmer blaze gleam
As verb : glisten glitter sparkle Ex:  It has a bright palette of a painter says is good colorist and, figuratively, of a poet whose style sparkle flash twinkle flicker glow Ex:  Lighthouse in eclipse, Lighthouse intermittent glow glint glare shine Ex:  Diamonds, precious stones shine brighten Ex:  brighten the conversation irradiate
As adjective : glowing Ex:  This speaks of "the light of love glowing on his reddening cheeks".
Other : to be prominent to be strongly aroused (the emotions to be startled to shy (a horse to scatter to sparkle Ex:  Raising his condition, his dignity, his office, his condition Honor, dignity, giving luster to sparkle to fulfill functions that to glow to glitter to flare to flare up to gleam (as metal to be polished or screwed up (the eyes to prosper to flourish (as an enterprise to be brisk (as trade) to go well to go to the head (alcohol to become enraged to start Ex:  I don't want to start anything . or to rush away (to safety to shine Ex:  It means even sometimes desire to shine to glare to get angry Ex:  He does it on purpose to get angry or light Ex:  Cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are building subways or light rail systems. to be dazzled in strong light to be attractive or seductive to flash to have a localised flash of pain outshine
Suggested : to look quickly or briefly to reflect a sparkling light or a faint intermittent glow shine lustrously burning gas or vapor, as from wood or coal, that is undergoing combustion a portion of ignited gas or vapor to emit sparks to extend, spread, or move like rays or radii from a center
Exampleचमकना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chamakana Antonyms of chamakana

Word of the day
Usage of चमकना:
1. वो सिने जगत में चमकना चाहती थी, लेकिन हालात उसे सड़क पर लेकर आ गएibnlive.com2. लगभग 13 हजार की आबादी वाले इस गांव की किस्मत 7 साल पहले यानी की 2007 से ही चमकना शुरू हो गई थी, जब सरपंच भावेशभाई के नेतृत्व में बाबेन गांव को आदर्श गांव बनाने के लिए पंचायत के सभी 19 सदस्यों ने संकल्प लिया था bhaskar.com3. लगभग 13 हजार की आबादी वाले इस गांव की किस्मत 7 साल पहले यानी की 2007 से ही चमकना शुरू हो गई थी, जब सरपंच भावेशभाई के नेतृत्व में बाबेन गांव को आदर्श गांव बनाने के लिए पंचायत के सभी 19 सदस्यों ने संकल्प लिया था bhaskar.comRelated words :
As verb : चमकना या झलकना - burnish 
चमकना[चमकाना - flare
chamakana can be used as noun, verb, adjective or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : chamakanaa

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