Meaning of (चलाना) chalana in english

As noun : fuck off उ:   खाने पीने के लिए खोमचे वालों से काम चलाना पड़ेगा।
operate Ex:  Leased lines may be comparatively expensive to operate versus a POTS line उ:   व्यापक खोज के बावजूद, विमान के अवशेषों का पता चलाना अज्ञात है। utter उ:   कर्ण को विवश होकर शक्ति अस्त्र घटोत्कच पर चलाना पड़ा। kick Ex:  A scissor kick उ:   इसके अलावा दौड़ लगाना, तैरना, खेलना, साइकिल चलाना भी लाभदायक होता है। go Ex:  These clothes go into that suitcase. उ:   पहचान का काम अनेक-दमक-ज्योति से ही चलाना अच्छा है। speed Ex:  They have a top speed of 300 km/h. उ:   जब इस मशीन को फिर चलाना हो तो पट्टे को स्थिर घिरनी पर ले आया जाता है। row Ex:  A long row of trees bordering the canal उ:   अब उपनिवेशों में शासन चलाना उनके सामर्थ्य से बाहर हो गया। eke उ:   रोगी के लिये उस समय वाहन चलाना या अकेले वापस जाना सुरक्षित नहीं है। coast Ex:  Raleigh established two colonies on the coast in the late 1580s उ:   ग्रैंड प्रिक्स कार को चलाना अकेलेपन का काम है, पर बहुत ही दिलचस्प है। conduct Ex:  "We hear that Serafin has agreed to conduct I Puritani with a dramatic soprano. उ:   इसके जरिए वे लोकतांत्रिक सुधार के लिए आंदोलन चलाना चाहते थे। ride Ex:  I hate it when my underpants ride up . उ:   जैसे‘- गणित के प्रष्न हल करना, टाइप करना, साइकिल चलाना आदि। push Ex:  The push to the south was in the main halted by the river itself pole Ex:  The symbol m has been used for both pole strength and for magnetic moment . pass Ex:  When a dying Ultimecia travels back in time to pass her powers to Edea sink into chair Ex:  He slouched over and went to sleep in his chair . throw Ex:  A vessel that was once used to carry mortars and throw bombs move Ex:  At some time following his move to Vienna put in motion Ex:  It is commonly said today animated body Imitations containing a mechanism used to put in motion run Ex:  Additional candidates run as independents. keep Ex:  Tom hardly earns his keep around here . fly Ex:  "The American public is something I fly over," he said. do Ex:  Jokers do slapsticks in circus. work Ex:  We engaged ourselves in social work during vacation. set in motion Ex:  It means figuratively Make act, determine suddenly set in motion carry Ex:  Chicago sports teams, like the Bulls, often carry a national following. steer Ex:  In terms of cycling, he said of the hollow steel bar that serves the rider to steer his machine stir Ex:  It is windy leaves stir fire Ex:  Kehoe's neighbor Sidney J. Howell testified that after the fire began feed Ex:  Blue Whales feed almost exclusively on krill float Ex:  In terms of fishing, it means the Party line that serves as float sail Ex:  Let's go out and sail around before dinner . push off pedal Ex:  It is placed as the rightmost pedal in the group. handling Ex:  He enabled him handling the vehicle. tool Ex:  Radio has also been used by various groups as a tool in terrorism.
As verb : manipulate Ex:  It is also used figuratively and Art refers to manipulate उ:   सरकार को कोई स्कूल नहीं चलाना चाहिए। drive Ex:  They also facilitate the monsoons winds drive climate in India. उ:   उसने क्लारिनेट को चलाना सीखा। deal Ex:  I kissed off about $200 on that last deal . उ:   जाहिर है, मैनेजमेंट के लिए कॉलेज चलाना कमाई का बड़ा धंधा बन चुका है। put on Ex:  Joisters also put on the joists for the decks of a building. defend Ex:  With no major Balkan power left to defend Christianity start up Ex:  It will start up the person on ; he likes his freedom too pilot Ex:  The pilot f lew off with the eight passengers . shoot Ex:  We made them out to shoot turn on Ex:  Sunrise camp , speaking of an Army, leaving the location of rest and turn on churn [stir] wield
As adjective : in motion Ex:  O'Dea was in Hollywood searching for a break-out role in motion pictures.
Other : to cause to move or to go to make (one) go to train Ex:  The function of the yoga is to train the body and the mind. to bring up (a child yo urge to work (a machine to wind (a watch to agitate (a liquid to shoot (at to throw (as a stone to publicise or to propagandise for to give effect to to inaugurate to serve Ex:  The first Puerto Rican woman doctor to serve in the Army under contract was Dr. to conduct Ex:  Rede responded by ordering police to conduct a licence search on 30 November. to direct Ex:  He had been invited to direct these bands by President Santa Anna household Ex:  Wilcox recalled, "the family and most of the household were in the country ?? ??? to carry out Ex:  The Agreement obliges the parties to carry out a plan to reunify the country to manage well or satisfactorily to bring to a solution (a difficult matter). 10. to cause to be finished: to ruin to employ Ex:  Sunset Boulevard is considered to be the first to employ such extreme cynicism. to turn to Ex:  For this we need to turn to broader meanings of democracy . fraud Ex:  Insert in error or through fraud a word, a sentence in the text of an act of a manuscript, etc force Ex:  INTERFET was replaced by a UN force of International Police to put in circulation to set or to keep in motion to send Ex:  Nor have you sent me the goods that your father was going to send me to impel to drive (a vehicle implement Ex:  Action to ask, to implement to stir Ex:  This speaker is for the masses; he excels to stir the masses to discharge (a weapon to fire Ex:  45 caliber equivalent Colt modified the pistol design to fire a . ?? to use Ex:  The pianist put his talents to use at the party . to talk about (?? to enforce (as an order to establish (as a society wrok utterance
Suggested : to strike with the foot or feet to give audible expression to speak or pronounce to work, perform, or function, as a machine does to send, expel, or otherwise cause to move by force or compulsion to manage or influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner
Exampleचलाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of चलाना:
1. स्विट्जरलैंड ने दुनिया की सबसे लंबी रेल सुरंग में रविवार से रेगुलर ट्रेन चलाना शुरू कर दिया हैlivehindustan.com2. स्विट्जरलैंड ने दुनिया की सबसे लंबी रेल सुरंग में रविवार से रेगुलर ट्रेन चलाना शुरू कर दिया हैlivehindustan.com3. पानी से कार चलाना अब सिर्फ सपना नहीं हकीकत भी हो सकता है
(चलाना) chalana can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : chalaanaa

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