antarichha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. "The treaty prohibits weapons in space and provides for mutual inspections of space outposts 2. "Through the mastery of space, said Fontana, the man built the first architecture of the space era: the airplane 3. "Thus space, happens when a work is at the intersection of the space in the world and own my own 4. "What are the first properties of the space itself? I mean the one that is the subject of geometry and I shall call geometrical space [ 5. (1929-) The Californian Frank Gehry has since the early 1970s, deeply affected the international architecture, introducing a casual use of materials and a vitalistic conception of space

Given are the examples of hindi word antarichha usage in english sentences. The examples of antarichha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., space, sky, ether, celestial sphere, firmament, sphere, empyrean, welkin, vault of heaven, quintessence, blue, sky.

For a moment, think of a world around you where each and every object is of the same colour, say red or blue or green.

t consists of 8 independent subtests: erbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Clerical Speed and Accuracy, Mechanical Reasoning, Space Relations, Spelling, and Language Usage.
They sold textiles and spices in these ports and, in exchange, brought gold and ivory from Africa; and spices, tin, Chinese blue pottery and silver from Southeast Asia and China.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration s (NASA) iking Mission to Mars was composed of two spacecraft, iking 1 and iking 2, each consisting of an orbiter and a lander.
Tilloo s father recalled the ancient days recorded in the archives at the Central Bureau when their ancestors had a well-developed space programme and had searched the solar system with manned and unmanned spacecraft and found that they were indeed alone .
Now, in the days of energy shortage and underground life, they had no space programme.
Two NASA space probes that visited Mars 30 years ago may have stumbled upon alien microbes on the Red Planet and inadvertently killed them, a scientist has theorised in a paper.
The problem was the iking space probes of 1976 77 were looking for the wrong kind of life and did not recognise it, the researcher said in a paper presented at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle on Sunday.
This news report, based on a more expansive view of where life can take root, may have NASA looking for a different type of Martian life form when its next Mars spacecraft is launched later this year, one of the space agency s top scientists told reporters.
and with a maximum input of organic manures, recycled farm-wastes (straw and livestock excreta), use of bio-agents such as culture of blue green algae in preparation of biofertilizers, neem leaves or turmeric specifically in grain storage as bio-pesticides, with healthy cropping systems [mixed cropping, inter-cropping and crop rotation as discussed below in 1 ].
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