akola example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 2 The noise, the glare of the water, its transparent whiteness, the one crystal while sailing slightly different 2. Curiously enamored of the sun's glare on the velvety skin, current games rays on hair and on fabrics, Mr 3. It seems that here, like the young Sikelianos, Elytis takes his first "cosmic bath" in the Greek sea, under the glare of a sun at the center of his universe 4. Sometimes at a party, under the glare of the chandeliers, it designates its victims one by one, according to the instructions of the inevitable destiny 5. "I will continue to tell you that you should have no other view in that country that trade," writes Colbert in 1673 to a director of the Company

Given are the examples of hindi word akola usage in english sentences. The examples of akola are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., glance, glare, view, gift, present, remembrance, novelty, invitation, persentation.

While many psychologists believe that our behaviours are influenced by our personal traits, some others hold the view that our behaviours are influenced more by situational factors.

This latter view is known as situationism, which states that situations and circumstances in which one is placed influence one s behaviour.
Philosophers and spiritual leaders present examples of this type of intelligence.
Persons high on this aspect easily adapt to their present environment or select a more favourable environment than the existing one, or modify the environment to fit their needs.
t has been suggested by psychologists that giftedness from the teachers point of view depends on a combination of high ability, high creativity, and high commitment.
ndian thinkers view intelligence from a holistic perspective where equal attention is paid to cognitive and non-cognitive processes as well as their integration.
but it is also true that every individual can raise her/his level of creative potential beyond its present level.
In such societies the analysis that we shall present in this book will not be applicable.
As soon as we compare the past with the present we refer to time, we talk of before and after .
These ways, discussed in the present chapter, are collectively called the directing function of management.
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