apariklinna example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 18 A time will come that will dry yellowing, wilt your épanie (fulfilled) flower 2. also allowed the reconstitution of a long agrarian history: the loess area, dry terraces, sandy mounds were occupied long before the valley bottoms 3. Ammonium phosphate occurs in several grades according to manufacturing: the most common is 18-46-0 achieved by wet (acid green); one obtains a higher dosage, 20-52-0, by the dry method 4. And explains that it is a simple proportionality between transpiration (T) and the production of dry matter (DM) during a given period (fig 5. Angle, coefficient of friction cone; dry friction, unctuous, viscous

Given are the examples of hindi word apariklinna usage in english sentences. The examples of apariklinna are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sear, aridity, withered, juiceless, shriveled, waterless, dry, dried up, sere, xeric, shrivelled, thirstiness, parched, aridness, arid, unimaginative, desiccated, sec, xeric, unsweet.

While many rivers and lakes are perennial (with water throughout the year) others are seasonal. People living on their banks would have had to go in search of water during the dry seasons.यद्यपि कई नदियों और झीलों का पानी कभी नहीं सूखता, कुछ झीलों और नदियों में पानी बारिश के बाद ही मिल पाता है इसीलिए ऐसी झीलों और नदियों के किनारे बसे लोगों को सूखे मौसम में पानी की तलाश में इधर-उधर जाना पड़ता होगा|

The floor of the cattle shed needs to be sloping so as to stay dry and to facilitate cleaning.
The region was dry and water necessary for running the factory was not to be found nearby.
These are formed as a result of evaporation especially in arid regions.
A very large fraction of our people defecates in the open, on dry riverbeds, on railway tracks, near fields and many a time directly in water.
Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur which are acidic in nature can be blown by wind along with solid particles in the atmosphere and finally settle down either on the ground as dry deposition or in water, fog and snow as wet deposition.
Examples are cigarette smoke, smoke from burning of fossil fuel, garbage and dry leaves, oil smoke etc.
Photochemical smog occurs in warm, dry and sunny climate.
Tetra chlroroethene (Cl2C=CCl2) was earlier used as solvent for dry cleaning.
Only the largest structures hold water year round; most dry up six months or less after the monsoons.
संबंधित शब्द अपरिक्लिन्न के पर्यायवाची