araa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. It binds with Gluck, Buffon; she's traveling; she became the mistress of the Duke of Chartres (later Duke of Orleans, the future Philippe Equality) leads a mundane life, consists of his comedy theater company 2. It is, secondly, a modern setting with its mundane houses, boats docked, its barges on the Seine, its strollers in the streets 3. Religions urbanized and industrialized peoples These typologies useful for manuals and treatises on religious ethnology because they are used to classify the facts , are ultimately little illuminating account, they target the general, the same, so the mundane 4. Scientific rigor allows Gette extract the poetics of the mundane and reveal what we usually do not see (The Pebbles, Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris, 1980; On both sides of the river 5. The double cult of friendship and love Alongside the daily constraints, was poetic exercise temporary refuge, but vital to his injured sensitivity shows and the sound of a warrior or excessively mundane world

Given are the examples of hindi word araa usage in english sentences. The examples of araa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., mundane, weak, pedestrian, wet, prosaic, vapid, drab, unamusing, arid, wearisome, ponderous, flat, slow, unimaginative, literal, bald, humdrum, unattractive, deadening, uninspired, stale, stuffy, earthbound, uninteresting, quotidian, icy, dry, anodyne, unanimated, workaday, tame, run of the mill, bland, dull, unappealing, cool, juiceless, dreary, routine, slavish, prosy, grey, lifeless, insipid, sad, faint, faded, dead, peaked, sombre, tame, lackluster, bleached, peaky, dull, wan, vapid, lacklustre, somber, poorly, unenlivened, wishy washy, washed out, watery, pallid, delicate, pale.

While many rivers and lakes are perennial (with water throughout the year) others are seasonal. People living on their banks would have had to go in search of water during the dry seasons.यद्यपि कई नदियों और झीलों का पानी कभी नहीं सूखता, कुछ झीलों और नदियों में पानी बारिश के बाद ही मिल पाता है इसीलिए ऐसी झीलों और नदियों के किनारे बसे लोगों को सूखे मौसम में पानी की तलाश में इधर-उधर जाना पड़ता होगा|

People attract and then tame animals by leaving food for them near their shelters.लोगों ने अपने घरों के आस-पास चारा रखकर जानवरों को आकिर्षत कर उन्हें पालतू बनाया|
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n order to help a weak student perform well in examinations, we may assess her/his intellectual strengths and weaknesses.
For a poorly motivated person, we may assess her/his interests and preferences.
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Individual consumers often find themselves in a weak position.
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Names of those who move out of a place or those who are dead are deleted.
It was really a sad feeling to sit there and not get anything while everybody else had won something, Ebright said.
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