ashadksheena example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. At the peak of his art, Fouquet painted several illuminations of Simon Hours Varies, recent discovery of J 2. But by the Ogooué that continued discovery 3. But it is above all psychological panorama of history and the discovery of a lifetime 4. Cartographic problems led to the discovery of other applications keeping the angles of a spherical area on a plane domain, such as Mercator (sixteenth century) 5. Coal mining, foundation of his exceptional success in the nineteenth century, was gradually abandoned, and the discovery of oil and natural gas from the North Sea has not really compensated

Given are the examples of hindi word ashadksheena usage in english sentences. The examples of ashadksheena are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., discovery, mystery, riddle, secret, cover, suspense, official, sway, confidence, secret.

In order to survive, an organisation must earn enough revenues to cover costs.

What is the secret behind the efficiency with which their business is conducted? The story of the dabbawallas begins in the kitchens of Mumbai.
One important source is the official records of the British administration.
From this vast corpus of records we can get to know a lot, but we must remember that these are official records.
When we begin to search for these other sources we find them in plenty, though they are more difficult to get than official records.
In recent times, the right to information has been expanded to cover various services provided by the Government.
Once the metal cooled and solidified, the clay cover was carefully removed, and the image was cleaned and polished.
Formal communication flows through official channels designed in the organisation chart.
If superiors do not have confidence on the competency of their subordinates, they may not seek their advice or opinions.
Formal communications refers to all official communications in the form of orders, memos, appeals, notes, circulars, agenda, minutes etc.
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