asantoshee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. His denunciation of the shortcomings of clerics and monks, avaricious priests and nuns libidinous is so vehement that his deeds will be recorded in the sixteenth century the Index librorum prohibitorum 2. credibility to its successive updates to receive the votes of a substantial number of the discontented 3. But dissatisfied asceticism asked another effort 4. It is these social forces, dissatisfied with the policy of the governments of the right are the basis for the opposition 5. The first comes from the agromercantile planter class, dissatisfied with the Marketing Board policy imposing cocoa purchase price they consider too low

Given are the examples of hindi word asantoshee usage in english sentences. The examples of asantoshee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., avaricious, discontented, dissatisfied.

For two years past I have had constant communications with the cultivators in some of the districts south of the Jumna and state positively the people are discontented and dissatisfied almost to a man.

संबंधित शब्द असंतोषी के पर्यायवाची असंतोषी के विपरीत शब्द