aadaraneey example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
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Usage and Example of aadaraneey 1. उतने ही आदरणीय जितने आपके लिए। 2. सौन्दर्य के दोहे में आदरणीय नरहरि जी ने प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य की चर्चा छेड़ते हुए हल्की सी चुटकी भी ले ली है। 3. तो आदरणीय मित्रो हमें अपने पानी को भी बाज़ार से निकालना होगा। 4. श्री कृष्ण जी सदा से ही मेरे लिए आदरणीय हैं और गीता जी मेरी प्रिय पुस्तकों में से एक है । 5. आदरणीय टीम जागरण जंक्शन,। 1. Discourse on Method François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld Paris 1613-Paris 1680 It is easier to appear worthy of the jobs that we have not any that is exerted 2. Finally, youth has its masters worthy of being compared to the University scholarly and more active of the two continents 3. He must get better to be worthy of completing the work begun 4. in terms of regulation is due to the lack of courage of the member countries in 1976 when they agreed to give up the only method of control worthy of the name, the system of fixed exchange rates 5. It has, thus, started to replace the naive faith of yore reasoned confidence and limited, more worthy of thinking men

Given are the examples of hindi word aadaraneey usage in english sentences. The examples of aadaraneey are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., worthy, reverend, decent, reverned, respectable.

It makes the lives of the most oppressed section of society as worthy of literary reflection.

If we go by the rule that people will get as much as they can pay for then many people who cannot afford to pay for such facilities will be deprived of the opportunity to live a decent life.
if you ever come into money you'll buy us a blessed decent house to live in, thank you very much.
It also means lack of a regular job at a minimum decent level.
In the opinion of the judges, any one of the drawings is worthy of winning the prize.
People believe that he received a decent grammar-school education in literature, logic, and Latin (mathematics and natural science did not form part of the curriculum).
Likewise, workers' rights (right to work, right to a fair wage and decent work conditions) is an area where the situation is still very unfair.
” Then he told his wife, “Let her wear some decent clothes today, or else what will the teachers and the other schoolgirls think of us when they see her?” New clothes had never been made for Bholi.
It was on a walking tour through Cambridge that the guide mentioned Stephen Hawking, 'poor man, who is quite disabled now, though he is a worthy successor to Issac Newton, whose Chair he has at the university.
We have got to study Nature's balance, and develop our lives within her laws, if we are to survive as a physically healthy and morally decent species.
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