ukasaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest उकसाना ukasaana news and headlines :
रूडी को पप्पू यादव को उकसाना पड़ गया महंगा LiveHindustanUsage and Example of ukasaana 1. मगर इन बातों को लिखकर मैं तुम्हारी दया को उकसाना नहीं चाहता। 2. और इसमे अचरज की कोई बात नही है अगर जिंदगीं की नयी नयी उमंगों ने उसे उकसाना शुरू किया। 3. उन्हें उकसाना पड़ता है। 4. पूरे चुनाव में इसने ऐसी कई प्रायोजित खबरें छापीं जिनका मकसद प्रत्याशियों को विज्ञापन और पेड न्यूज के लिए उकसाना था। 5. यदि आप चाहेंगे कि आपके बच्चे भी उनकी तरह स्वतन्त्र बने या स्मार्ट बने, तो उन्हें बचपन से ही अपने निर्णय लेने के लिये उकसाना होगा। 1. However, this kind survived through the "schwankmären" Germans, then Boccaccio and Chaucer inspire and encourage the birth of the new 2. In truth, these issues are abstract in their formulation and the design of Adolfo Suárez seems to be mainly to encourage the emergence of a large centrist party Unión del Centro Democrático baptized (U 3. It manipulates to encourage business entities to do or not to do such a thing as the public interest or not the control 4. It recommends in particular to encourage the return of foreign merchants in Piraeus, in order to increase the taxes levied on the city transactions and the merchants themselves, when they wogs status 5. Most often, it is the IT passion and the ability to work in an innovative and creative company that encourage them to join the company in Seattle

Given are the examples of hindi word ukasaana usage in english sentences. The examples of ukasaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., abet, propel, solicit, instigate, prompt, urge, foment, encourage, urging, goading, invite, excite, cause, raise, edge, agitate, push, pick, stoke, carry, sting, prodding, spurring, get, goad, egg.

Most people living in the Andaman Islands get their own food by fishing, hunting, and collecting forest produce. By contrast, most people living in cities depend on others for supplies of food.अंडमान द्धीप के अधिकांश लोग अपना भोजन मछलियाँ पकड़ कर, शिकार करके तथा फल-फूल के संग्रह द्धारा प्राप्त करते हैं|

There is no ink in the pen. Go and get some ink.क़लम में स्याही नहीं है| जाओ और थोड़ी स्याही लाओ|
Rohan, get up, drink hot tea.रोहन, उठो, गरम चाय पियो|
Process in the definition means the primary functions or activities that management performs to get things done.
Its principles are based on a cause and effect relationship.
Their main task is to carry out the plans formulated by the top managers.
Organising is the management function of assigning duties, grouping tasks, establishing authority and allocating resources required to carry out a specific plan.
In reality, managers are rarely able to carry out these functions in isolation.
Whatever be the circumstances, the dabbawallas never get delayed even by a few minutes.
As boundaries between cultures and nations get blurred and new communication technology makes it possible to think of the world as a global village , the scope of international and intercultural relationships is rapidly expanding.
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