upar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest उपर upar news and headlines :
ओलंपिक रजत पदक विजेता पी वी सिंधु दो पायदान उपर चढ़कर अपने करियर की सर्वश्रेष्ठ सातवीं रैंकिंग पर पहुंच गईlivehindustan.com इन सबसे उपर उठकर वो रोजाना मुस्लिम बच्चों को कुरान पढ़ाती है jagran.comआपके पास किसी शादी के लिए निमंत्रण पत्र आता है उस पर उपर साफ-साफ छपा है - ‘कॉकटेल पार्टी’ नहीं होगी तो चौंकिए मतlivehindustan.com इतने में अस्पताल की छत का एक हिस्सा ही टूटकर उपर आ गिराamarujala.com कोलोराडो में अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा के भाषण स्थल के उपर उड़ान भरने के कुछ ही समय बाद अमेरिकी वायु सेना के विशिष्ट थंडरबर्ड दल का एक विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गयाibnlive.com
Usage and Example of upar 1. कहीं चोरी हो जाए तो हार तो बनवाना ही पडे, उपर से बदनामी भी हो। 2. मै तुम्हे छोड़ नही सकता इसलिए नही कि तुम्हारे उपर कोई एहसान है। 3. मेरे उपर बड़े दयालु हैं। 4. उनके ठीक सिर के उपर एक डाली पर एक बगुला बैठा हुआ था। 5. उपर वाले बता तू तेरा कैसा ये खेला। 1. Goncharov gave up the dream westernising 2. Good doctrine is one that acknowledges the nature "SocioDynamic" culture: a person acting on the circulation of values ??speeds up or slows developments it would be unrealistic, "dogmatic", to claim lead 3. had given up the thesis that R 4. He finds the same characters in the architecture of the pyramids, which it seeks to identify affinities with Doric architecture (monument for the Gustavus up in Stockholm) 5. He finished the Stratagem of dandies on his deathbed, and gave up the ghost a few days after his success on stage at the Haymarket Theatre in London

Given are the examples of hindi word upar usage in english sentences. The examples of upar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., up, into.

Magadh rulers were very powerful, and set up a large kingdom.मगध शासक बहुत शक्तिशाली थे और उन्होंने एक विशाल राज्य स्थापित किया था|

if they had stayed at one place for a long time, they would have eaten up all the available plant and animal resources.अगर वे एक ही जगह पर ज़्यादा दिनों तक रहते तो आस-पास के पौधों, फलों और जानवरों को खाकर समाप्त कर देते थे|
It has set up educational institutions in the fields of management, engineering and computer education, in which one-third of the students are girls.
Organi-sations are made up of people who have different personalities, backgrounds, experiences and objectives.
Some of these have been set up with the specific purpose of providing management education such as the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) in India.
You have understood by now that a manager has to perform five interrelated functions in the process of managing an organisation which is a system made up of different interlinked and interdependent subsystems.
The first dabbawalla picks up the tiffin from home and takes it to the nearest railway station.
The fourth one picks up dabbas from the railway station and drops them off at the offices.
She improvises new ways of helping her mother at home and comes up with new ways of doing her work and assignments.
Other researches have shown that not even one of those identified as gifted, followed up throughout their adult life, had become well-known for creativity in some field.
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