knjaravetiva example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest कंजरवेटिव knjaravetiva news and headlines :
चाहे कंजरवेटिव पार्टी के एमपी ऋषि सुनाक और आलोक शर्मा ने हमेशा ईयू में बने रहने का सपोर्ट किया था हालांकि, उनके विरोधी कंजरवेटिव पार्टी के जैक गोल्‍डस्‍म‍िथ इंडियन पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी का इस्‍तेमाल करके हिंदू और सिख वोटरों को लुभा रहे हैं रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, लेबर पार्टी के 45 वर्षीय सादिक खान कंजरवेटिव पार्टी के जैक गोल्डस्मिथ व लिबरल डेमोक्रेट की कैरोलिन पिदगियॉन पर भारी पड़ते नजर आ रहे हैं सादिक खान ने कंजरवेटिव पार्टी के प्रत्याशी जैक गोल्डस्मिथ को पराजित किया है jagran.comUsage and Example of knjaravetiva 1. जैसे, बि्रटेन की लेबर पाटीर् और कंजरवेटिव पाटीर् के बीच अब बड़ा कम अंतर रह गया है। 2. गत वर्ष नवंबर महीने में जब कैमरन की कंजरवेटिव सरकार ने शिक्षा व्यय में कटौती की घोषणा की थी, तो लाखों छात्र पुलिस से भिड़े थे। 3. ये दोनों कंजरवेटिव और फासिस्ट विचारधाराओं से जुड़ा नजरिया है। 4. स्पेन की संसद ने मतदान कर कंजरवेटिव मारियानो राजोय को मंगलवार को देश का नया प्रधानमंत्री चुना। 5. कंजरवेटिव पार्टी के सांसद रॉबर्ट हॉल्फन ने विश्वविद्यालय से पूछा है कि वह क्यों असद शासन के सदस्य को शिक्षा मुहैया करा रहा है।
1. Fundamentalism appears towards the end of the nineteenth century, the United States and the traditionalist Protestant circles 2. His parents being attached to Frankfurt, leaving the chtettl Nahum (Jewish village) and his grandfather, a country doctor, a traditionalist and religious environment, for Germany 3. In fact, it is a traditionalist who sought and cultivated its own mode of expression regardless of the various literary and poetic currents of his time, if not to condemn them 4. Writer, editor of a Jewish weekly Frankfurt, language teacher and Hebrew literature, the father of Nahum Goldmann is a traditionalist and a convinced Zionist since his youth 5. Training this year in the most traditionalist milieu and even the most conservative Charles André Joseph Marie, the third of five children of Henri and Jeanne de Gaulle was born in Lille on November 22, 1890

Given are the examples of hindi word knjaravetiva usage in english sentences. The examples of knjaravetiva are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., traditionalist, mean, narrow, ungenerous, sticky, illiberal, cheap.

What do all these mean for a global manager today? To summarise, a global manager today is one who possesses what can be termed as hard types of skills as well as softer types of skills.

The mean Q score in a population is 100.
You have learnt earlier that the mean Q score in the population is 100.
Although the terms talent and giftedness are often used interchangeably, they mean different things.
By economic units or economic agents, we mean those individuals or institutions which take economic decisions.
By a household we mean a single individual who takes decisions relating to her own consumption, or a group of individuals for whom decisions relating to consumption are jointly determined.
This would mean that the old dates will no longer have the significance they earlier had.
Boss may mean that subordinate should take care of transport, food, accommodation of the guest until he leaves the place.
It would mean depriving a majority of the country s citizens the right to contest elections.
In countries like Japan, low birth rates make the pyramid narrow at the base.
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