kaddhanaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Having suspended the activities of all political parties, he tried to elicit a favorable training regime, the Patriotic Union 2. Fanatical anti-Semitic, Frick prepares, signs and enforces many laws designed to eliminate Jews from German life and economy 3. In other cases, land animals or eliminate urea or uric acid 4. It also depends on its ability to destroy, neutralize and eliminate them 5. It is therefore necessary, before sampling, limiting the spectrum useful for Fe / 2 by a first filter; and after decoding, if one wants to eliminate the specter picture appeared beyond Fe / 2, you must make a second filtering

Given are the examples of hindi word kaddhanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of kaddhanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., elicit, unleash, eliminate, emit, exclude, withdrawal, expel, extricate, empty, spring, shed, free, unpin, exorcise, abstract, pour, extract, cry, bleed, take off, sink, exorcize, move, utter, kick, thread, remove, release, void, squeeze out, can, point out, knock out, uncork, send sb off, pound along, unpack, give, drum out, bring out, slip, skim, dull, raise, draw, comb, pull, shoot, strike, change.

There are several things we can find out — what people ate, the kinds of clothes they wore, the houses in which they lived.अतीत के बारे में हम बहुत कुछ जाना जा सकता है - जैसे लोग क्या खाते थे, कैसे कपड़े पहनते थे, किस तरह के घरों में रहते थे ?

What can we know about the past?अतीत के बारे में हम क्या जान सकते हैं?
We can find out about the lives of hunters, herders, farmers, rulers, merchants, priests, crafts persons, artists, musicians, and scientists.हम शिकारियों, पशुपालकों, कृषकों, शासकों, व्यापारियों, पुरोहितों, शिल्पकारों, कलाकारों, संगीतकारों या फिर वैज्ञानिकों के जीवन के बारे में जानकारियाँ हासिल कर सकते हैं|
We can find out about the games children played, the stories they heard, the plays they saw, the songs they sang.हम यह भी पता कर सकते हैं कि उस समय बच्चे कौन-से खेल खेलते थे, कौन-सी कहानियाँ सुना करते थे, कौन-से नाटक देखा करते थे या फिर कौन-कौन से गीत गाते थे|
We can also study inscriptions.हम अभिलेखों का भी अध्ययन कर सकते हैं|
To collect plant produce, you need to find out which plants or parts of plants are edible, that is, can be eaten, as many can be poisonous.पेड़-पौधों से खाना जुटाने के लिए यह जानना जरूरी होता है, कि कौन-से पेड़-पौधे खाने योग्य होते हैं, क्योंकि कई तरह के पौधे विषैले भी होते हैं|
animals move from place to place — either in search of smaller prey, or, in the case of deer and wild cattle, in search of grass and leaves.जानवर अपने शिकार के लिए या फिर हिरण और मवेशी अपना चारा ढूँढ़ने के लिए एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाया करते हैं|
Sheep and goat can survive more easily than cattle in dry, hilly environments.सूखी और पहाड़ी जलवायु में मवेशियों की तुलना में भेड़ या बकरी अधिक सहजतापूर्वक जीवित रह सकते हैं|
Management is an intangible force: Management is an intangible force that cannot be seen but its presence can be felt in the way the organisation functions.
Objectives can be classified into organisational objectives, social objectives and personal or individual objectives.
संबंधित शब्द कड्ढना के पर्यायवाची